Moon in Aquarius: The Quickening to Imbolc
conjunct Sun- 1/24/20 @ 3:42pm CST
to the Quickening Moon of 2020, the 1st New Moon of this
year. During this lunar cycle, we experience a ‘quickening’ or
acceleration which refers to the underground first stirrings of
Spring in the Northern Hemisphere (such as the first births of lambs,
where the Cross-Quarter Holiday of Imbolc got its name)...or the
first acceleration toward Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. We are
still immersed in Winter here (or Summer for our Southern Hemisphere
friends), but we are beginning to feel the first signs of the changes
soon to come...and we usher them in.
Quickening Moon commences while all planets are in direct motion this
year. Since Uranus stationed direct on January 10th, we
have been experiencing more forward momentum in our world...even as
some of us are still in the ‘freeze’ of Winter. This All Planets
Direct (APD) time lasts until Mercury stations retrograde on February
16th. So, in this New Moon, we are planting
seed-intentions that have an acceleration of this Quickening magic
stirring within them.
New Moon in Aquarius is in a square (dynamic 90 degree aspect which
inspires necessary change) with Uranus in Taurus (the planet of
sudden changes, surprises, awakening, and innovation). Uranus is the
modern ruler of Aquarius, so this square is a prevalent vibration at
this time. Aquarius and Taurus are fixed signs of Air (mind) and
Earth (matter)...and the two energies can be very set in their own
ways, clashing against each other while in a square. Aquarius wants
authenticity, while Taurus wants something reliable...but the change
needed now has to do with stirring up something that is both of those
things. After all, the two ideas are not mutually exclusive. But
there may be some initial struggle to understanding what it is that
we need now that includes both characteristics. In that case, open
yourself up to the possibilities coming through now. Allow for the
awakening of your potential as you set forth through this lunar
cycle. You may be surprised by what is revealed.
New Moon is also in a sextile (beneficial aspect of 60 degrees which
allows for subtle opportunities for harmony) with Chiron in Aries
(the ‘Cosmic Shaman’). The teacher/healer archetype may present
itself to you at this time in subtle ways, encouraging you to share
your gifts in healing ways. If you pick up on these subtle
opportunities, move forward in that direction your are being guided.
There is a lot of support from Ancestors in this lunar initiation.
They are always with us, but sometimes we forget that we have the
opportunity to call on them when we need. They may be sending us
signals in this time so that we may better connect with their
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Art by Susan Seddon Boulet |
and Sun in Aquarius 5
Symbol- ‘a council of ancestors’
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'Lightworker' by Alex Grey |
ancestral support of this New Moon may at first feel like electricity
running through our bodies, needing to ground (the effect from Uranus
and Saturn being co-rulers of Aquarius, and Uranus being particularly
strong at this time). Chiron, which orbits between Saturn and
Uranus, is the bridge between the limits of what we can easily see
(Saturn) and breakthroughs into realms of the often unseen (Uranus).
So Chiron acts as a conduit (or ‘the hollow bone’ in Shamanic
terms) between our physical (ordinary) reality and our metaphysical
(extraordinary) reality. Chiron’s key to healing at this time
comes from grounding that electric charge we feel in our bodies from
our ancestors into our physical reality. When a healer is awakened
by their ancestors...there is often an initial discomfort from this
charge within the body. It can at first feel like anxiety or
dis-ease. The healer often learns to ground by connecting with the
ancestors of their blood and bones...grounding that electricity of
the call by dancing upon our Earth.
course, this story is about the guidance to ground your current
ancestral calling...and does not have to be taken so literally. What
does ‘dancing that call upon our Earth’ mean to you? Modern as
we are in this age, an integral part of who we are is built upon the
foundations of those who came before us. What did they do when they
felt their own Quickenings? Ask them.
everything you are feeling may feel new, it is part of a well-trodden
path that those before you remember through you. Some may have been
grateful for their own choices, some may have been regretful. The
Council of Ancestors that lives in you is guiding you to best
possible each descendant holds potential as we continue
the ancestral story.
Aquarius, our Humanity is awakened to inspire our world forward.
This energy creates networks of unique individuals inspired toward
common goals. Whatever seed you are planting for this lunar cycle,
may it be one that honors the past by contributing to our future.
For those of us that celebrate Imbolc (usually on Feb. 1st or Feb. 2nd, although the actual cross-quarter where Sun reaches the mid-point of Aquarius is on Feb. 4th this year), may Brigid's blessings be upon those inspirations stirring within. Or perhaps it is Groundhog Day you observe in that time...a weather divination holiday that mirrors my own ancestors stories of the Cailleach (the Winter Witch). As the story goes, the Cailleach comes out of her cave at this time to either do more winter work (if the skies are clear and sunny on Imbolc) or go back to sleep and allow Spring to return without Winter's extension (if the skies are overcast). Interesting the magic kept alive in new ways these days that is rooted in the practices of those that came before us. Also interesting that Mars is in Sagittarius 15 for this New Moon...the Sabian Symbol is 'a groundhog looking for its shadow'.
and Gratitude,
Lune Kavi
Thanks Felina! This is so beautiful. I feel what you mentioned about the authenticity or newness that Aquarius calls and the reliability that Taurus asks for... i asked for support from the moon conj.Venus for guidance because a part of me feels like it wants to open to something & it is excited but in a feminine & receding way rather than aggressive or assertive (masculine) & that is the reliability or supportiveNess that is promised by the journey or adventure that I still cannot see though i feel and perhaps for the best to follow the subtle impulses like bread crumbs in a forest as Anne ortelee put it :D Thank you for your article! This is Maria :D
Thanks Maria! Yes, it is an exciting adventure following these breadcrumbs!
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