Monday, March 23, 2020

New Moon in Aries: The Rebirth of Healing

'Rebirth' by Delawer Omar

New Moon in Aries: The Rebirth of Healing
Moon conjunct Sun- 3/24/2020 @ 4:28am CDT

The Wind Moon cycle begins with a powerful gust.  The luminaries join with Chiron in Aries at the apex of a T-square with the Lunar Node axis…pooling all of the collective stress toward the Aries ‘I am’ we’re all feeling the pain of.  Chiron’s influence points out the wound as well as the healing path, but the squares to the nodes do make that Collective Wound more prominent and inflamed in this cardinal fire sign.  This is a wound that has been prevalent for over a month already, coinciding with the acceleration of the covid19 pandemic.  But the wound is not the virus.  It would be more accurate, astrologically, to see the virus as an Apple of Discord thrown into the Capricorn planetary party by Eris, who has been squaring that stellium for a while now.  She comes with a strong sense of purpose…and when that purpose is ignored, she has a way of showing us the importance of what we’re neglecting.

But the wound goes much deeper.  As I’ve mentioned before, this is a wound of the Collective Soul which has to do with our identity as a human species on this planet.  In many ways, we humans have a far more destructive viral impact on our world than the current pandemic.  As a whole, we escape this wound far more than we try to heal it.  And, in this moment, when we are faced with the effects of a global health crisis…our own collective wound is illuminated, as well as the healing path.

What we are seeing while so many are confined to their homes now is that the Earth is rejoicing.  It took a drastic change in the way humans go about their usually busy lives to show us how the Earth can heal and recover from our ‘me first’ footprints across the globe.  The question is…when we get through this pandemic together, will we be forever changed in the way we express our collective identity on this Earth?  Or…will we settle back into ‘business as usual’?  For Earth’s sake, all of this ‘we’re all in this together’ that the virus is teaching us must be the call we express loud and clear through AND beyond our current circumstances. 

Wounded as we are…we must face our shadows, overcome the limitations of the mind, surrender our need to control life, and find our true humanity within ourselves before we can awaken to this healing.  It is a uniquely human story, but it is interconnected with all life of this planet.  As is often the case, we sometimes need to be shaken to awaken.

The Luminaries meet in the 5th degree of Aries, where the Sabian Symbol is ‘a triangle with wings’.  This symbol refers to the capacity for self-transcending.  As Rudhyar points out about this symbol, ‘A new dimension of being is envisioned, mobilizing creative endeavors.’  Chiron is in the next degree of Aries, where the symbol is ‘a square with one of its sides brightly illumined’.  This wound seeks stabilization in order to heal.  The square in the symbol reflects the very squares we’re feeling to this wound right now from the Nodal Axis.  Which side of this T-square is more illuminated in our path ahead, our karmic past (South Node) or our evolving future (North Node)?  With this Aries Stellium at the North Bending between the Lunar Nodes, it would suggest we are to find this stabilization of the Collective Wound through the square to the North Node.  The North Node in Cancer guides us forward with compassionate care and emotional bonding.  It protects us through connecting us to the heart.  It brings us home among family to nurture the changes necessary for our future.  And it amplifies the love and care being displayed by so many doing their best to take care of our needs on the front-lines of this pandemic.

This Aries Illumination is not just about showing us who we have been while we were ignoring this collective wound…it illuminates who we truly are at the heart of our humanity.  It shows us the healing path forward in these accelerated shifts.  Ultimately, we are designed to be stewards of this Earth and in service to the life that grows here.  We are protectors, defenders of this beautiful place.  We are not here to allow the destruction of it for our own temporary gains and misguided comforts and conveniences.  As the Capricorn Council has been warning us for some time now…we have a responsibility to this Earth.  That which is unsustainable is coming to an end one way or another.

You may have had your fill of endings recently, if the lunar orb has any pull on your inner waters. But the closing of one phase opens the fertile earth for the seeds of initiation. Now the Wind Moon begins the lunar springtime, and beginnings are budding all around you. Have the courage to face each new experience head on, trust the universe isn't against you, and lead the way.

Excesses eliminated, unnecessary energies's all you needed to do all along. If you've done any part of that, enjoy the new outlook these life changes are inspiring. If you're still mulling over 'too many' only takes one to get the ball rolling.  And if you’re panicking in the face of ‘too many’ changes in the world confusing your sense of Self, place your hand on your heart and reconnect to your sense of humanity within. 

Yes, these larger changes are accelerating during this Moon cycle.  Yes, it tends to confuse the direction we need to move toward to make our own personal changes in response.  But you are not alone in this.  We really are all in this together.  Release all the opinions flying around you as well as within, and center yourself with our Earth.  She has been guiding us all along, encouraging more and more of us to connect with her sense of direction.

Healing Art by Gioia Albano
Try not to overwhelm yourself as we make the changes necessary to heal this Collective Wound. Connect with your loved ones, find support.  It could be as simple as making a phone call to someone you are missing during this necessary experience of physical distancing.  Or it could be as wide-reaching as a group of Italian neighbors singing together from their individual balconies in response to the call of humanity’s heart. 

Healing is a cooperative process, after all…not a miracle.  We are all here to help in this healing, whether it is our profession or not.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

1 comment:

Cosmic Yogini said...

Beautiful & yes.