Friday, May 22, 2020

New Moon in Gemini: Creative, Constructive Communication

New Moon in Gemini:  Creative, Constructive Communication
Moon conjunct Sun- 5/22/20 @ 12:38pm CDT

Gemini season is well underway as the mutable air begins shifting us from Spring to Summer in the North, and from Autumn to Winter in the South.  The way of Gemini creates a network of ideas and communicates the curiosities of many-sided truths.  The desire for social interaction is strong, and yet the multiple retrogrades (Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) suggest we are re-learning how to relate within our transforming societies. 

Mercury (ruler of Gemini) and Venus (out-of-bounds and retrograde) are together in this air sign, sharing fascinating ideas that align the mind and heart.  However, they are in a dynamic square aspect with Neptune, the planet of Mystification.  This connection does tend to dissolve some of the details and definition of what’s being communicated.  It’s a bit like trying to hold onto the specifics of a dream right after waking…only to have it start to melt away from memory before you can write it down.  We may retain pieces of the story…and then try to puzzle out the meaning of what our minds are left with.

Of course, this is a very unique Gemini Season…where communication is rapidly changing along with everything else.   To begin this lunar cycle, we may not be all that precise in our communications.  But we are opening into the call to get creative with it.

Our Luminaries are in a creative quintile with Neptune and a flowing trine with Saturn and Pallas Athene.  So as we begin this cycle, we are feeling into themes of magical thinking (Neptune quintile) and structured strategies (Saturn-Pallas trine).  How very Gemini to highlight the wisdom of working with these apparent opposites.  Saturn teaches the necessity of boundaries and containment, while Neptune teaches the beauty of boundlessness and flow.  Pallas Athene’s wisdom will help us to make out the patterns in the cloudiness of this time…but she also reminds us that not every piece of information we hear will fit the pattern.  Discernment of information, while difficult now, is key. 

One theme that has been very prevalent from the closing of our last lunar cycle is that of the shift of our Lunar Nodes to the Gemini-Sagittarius axis.  Yes, many people are feeling the call to communicate what they ‘know’ to be true…and yet there is heavy use of ‘I know better’ tactlessness.  This is all while the Neptunian truth of ‘I don’t know’ is challenging our relationships and mental states, and cognitive dissonance abounds.  And though this nodal shift was part of our last lunar cycle, the seed of this one comes from the fruit of the last.  

The ‘unknowing’ persists…and the challenge, as this lunar cycle begins to sprout and bloom in the coming weeks, is to work with that Neptune energy in more creative ways.  Saturn’s trine can be constructive, making good use of our differences to rebuild our connections toward stability.  For the time being, Saturnian rigidity is giving way to incorporating different perspectives into common goals.

New Moon in Gemini 3
Sabian Symbol- “The Garden of the Tuileries”

'Les Tuileries' by Claude Monet
This New Moon evokes the imagery of the royal garden in Paris that was eventually opened to the public in 1667.  Order, symmetry, and long perspectives were the hallmarks of this formal French garden’s design, though it had many updates over the centuries.  And although it was first for nobility, the garden has transformed in its public use to include many different delights, entertainments, and conveniences. 

Much like the combination of this New Moon in Gemini with Saturn in Aquarius…that which is built upon traditions and formalities often becomes the foundation for new ideas and increasingly modern expressions over time.  In our present experience, some old societal structures are undergoing massive renovations.  This is a time where we can consider new ways of infusing these transforming structures of the past with the rising voice of humanity in our modern era. 

In this current renovation period, what speaks to us from our creative future?  Let’s dream that into being.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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