Saturday, January 30, 2021

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius


'Free Your Mind' by Catrin Welz-Stein

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius

1/30/21 – 2/20/21


How does Mercury express in Aquarius?


Mercury in the fixed air of Aquarius sends messages in waves that connect through networks of people.  This can link us telepathically, often to greater understanding of our social systems.  These days, such a ‘communal bath’ for the collective mind tends to come through the internet (and especially our social media outlets)…where we have the opportunity to instantaneously share our unique gifts as individuals while we connect to our global community. 

The World Wide Web was first introduced to us when Saturn was last in Aquarius, and now that Saturn is in Aquarius again…this invention is approaching its Saturn Return.  When we go through our first Saturn Return (around the age of 29), we are often tasked with the many responsibilities of reaching full-blown adulthood.  It is a Rite of Passage where we must commit to something with newfound maturity and carry it through for the next few decades of our lives.  For us humans, by the age of 29, we have gone through a series of tests where we confront the concept of Authority outside of ourselves, only to return to the Authority within ourselves.  It will be interesting to see how this will play out with the Internet, a non-human entity that humans so often use.  And Mercury in Aquarius will likely be including this as part of the collective retrograde story this time around. 

Of course, any form of connection with community (especially when using your individual gifts for a common goal) is linked to this Mercury in Aquarius energy.  But technological innovation does speed up the process of Group Consciousness.  Keep in mind that this energy does not dissolve our differences to make us just like everyone else.  More often, it combines many unique viewpoints and shares them in ways that inform our world with whatever group dynamics we create together.  So Mercury in Aquarius inclines us to be more consciousof what we’re contributing to the group or community.  We may be asking ourselves, ‘how does this thing that sets me apart from others actually offer something integral to my community?’


What is the purpose of a Mercury Retrograde?


Mercury, the Messenger, has a gift for storytelling.  The Mercurial function is to spell the message out in various ways to get the point across…usually from point A (let’s say that’s you) to point B (let’s say that’s me).  But in transit, bearing the collective message, sometimes Mercury loops or zig-zags back and forth from point A to point B three times.  It is a message so important that it needs repeating from multiple perspectives.   A Mercury Retrograde expands the message into a 3-part storyline.    

From my view as an Astrology Writer, Mercury’s first direct pass of the coming retrograde degrees is the Prologue of the story.  During this time (January 15-30), Mercury introduces us to the world and the main characters of the story.  There are hints of what is to come, but much of the detail is left out.  Mercury catches our attention, and promises to reveal more throughout the retrograde.  It is a time where, because we were speeding along in our everyday lives, Mercury invites us to slow down and pay attention to something we all zipped past without giving much time for thought.

Mercury Retrograde, the heart of the story, is the Deep Think we all need (multiple times a year).  This part of the story begins during Mercury’s station…when our Messenger planet appears to slow down to a halt and change directions in our sky.  This, of course, only appears so from our view on Earth…which is why these messages are so poignant to us Earthlings.  Mercury is also closer to us in proximity during retrogrades, so it feels more like an intimate Storytime for all of us.  And the closer the degrees to our natal storyline by dynamic aspect, the more we take in the story as it inspires us on a personal level. 

Because this is true, it means that the lessons contained within each retrograde storyline are not always so specific to us.  But they will be specific and personal to many…so the more we interact with others during this time, the more we can learn of the message.  Contrary to popular belief, Mercury Retrograde is not a time to hide under a rock and cease all communications.  Our connections bring out more meaning to the story.  However, there is definitely an inward journey happening during any retrograde.  And with Mercury as the guide, there is great potential to shift our inward thought patterns into unexplored territory. 

Throughout this apparent backtrack through what was hinted at in Mercury’s Prologue, every aspect (new or repeated) is given a fuller description.  There is time to go deeper and develop a different perspective on the story.  It becomes more meaningful to us…just as a reader falls in love with or increasingly identifies with a character.  We become more engaged with the story.  We are immersed in it.  Mercury has a multitude of gifts for keeping our attention stimulated throughout. 

Within the Retrograde storyline, there is an Interior Conjunction between Sun and Mercury that plants the new thoughtseed within each of us that grows, gives, and composts through the rest of Mercury’s cycle.  In a way, this is the main point of the retrograde…to finish one cycle of thought so another can replace it.  However, the Retrograde story doesn’t end here.

The Retrograde concludes when Mercury carries our awareness all the way back to the degree where we missed something important as the Prologue began.  This happens during Mercury’s direct station.  The Messenger planet once again slows down to a halt and shifts directions…but not before pointing us to a priceless message we need to retrieve and integrate for ourselves.

The Epilogue, where Mercury describes the events in the story after all plotlines are revealed, is the 2nd direct pass of the degrees Mercury has traveled thrice.  During this time (2/20 – 3/12), we are offered an opportunity to integrate the meaning of this story into our lives.  The events that play out during the epilogue are signals on how to move forward with what we retrieved of the meaning. 


How do I know if this Retrograde relates to me personally?


Not everyone speaks the language of Astrology, I get that.  There are ways to learn these things…but most prefer to just consult an Astrologer for such advice.  That is my job, and I love it.  However, I was born in the Aries season so I also tend to champion the way of self-reliance.  If you’d rather learn to fish, I’m willing to teach that.  But since I have a mixed group of readers and clients (from novices to professionals), I’ll include more detail than the general information.  I was born at Mercury Cazimi (the Exterior Conjunction of Sun and Mercury) after all, so ‘show and tell’ is a big part of my personal toolkit. 

If you are familiar enough with your natal chart, you can first look to the part of your chart where Aquarius 12 – 27 is.  This will show you the area of life (the Astrological House) where this story will be set.  For example, this retrograde takes place in my 10th House…the House of Career and Public Contribution.  Then you may notice if you have any planets or angles in this part of your natal chart.  If you do, you will have some distinctly personal lessons throughout this time.  If you don’t have anything in this part of Aquarius, as it is in my case, you’ll see the lessons playing out by other aspects with your natal chart. 

The next thing to look for is whether you have natal planets or angles in any of the other fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio) between 12 – 27 degrees.  It is likely that you do.  So, in this case, Mercury will bring up dynamic square aspects (to Taurus or Scorpio) or a tense balancing act with your personal Leo lessons.  For me, it’s all about the squares to my Taurus Ascendant-Chiron and my Scorpio Moon-Ceres.  In fact, there will be a square between Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius and Mars in Taurus on Feb. 10 that will highlight my exact Ascendant degree.  At that time, I’ll no doubt be pressed to take communicative action in some way.

For those who have it relatively easy, and Mercury is not making any dynamic aspects to your natal energies, you may find trines or sextiles to natal planets in other air or fire signs (Aries, Gemini, Libra, or Sagittarius).  In that rare case of only harmonious aspects, you may find you float along during this time with a great deal of ease where nothing pushes you to engage with this story.  It is possible, then, that you will be the one who falls asleep during this Storytime and you miss the message.  Or, if you do respond to the creative flow and the opportunities this story presents for you, a lot of good can come from your participatory engagement.  Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces are the parts of your chart that might not relate to the Mercury Retrograde storyline much at all (as they are non-aspects to Aquarius)…but it is highly unlikely that everything in your chart is only in those signs. 

And if you want to get really Astro-geeky with me, you may find my outline of Mercury’s retrograde journey to be useful for timing purposes.  I’ve included Sabian Symbols of the degrees that will be highlighted throughout as well…which can give you some clues to the story’s action. 

Keep in mind that the degrees listed are rounded up.  So, where this whole Mercury journey begins in 11.01 Aquarius, it is considered the 12th degree of Aquarius. 


1/15 – 1/30:  Mercury’s Prologue (AQU 12 – 27)

          1/20:  Aquarius Mercury trine Gemini North Node (part 1) (AQU/GEM 20)

Mercury-  ‘a white dove bearing a message’

North Lunar Node-  ‘a cafeteria’

South Lunar Node-  ‘men cut ice for summer use’

1/30:  Mercury stations retrograde (AQU 27)

‘An ancient pottery bowl filled with violets’

1/30 – 2/20:  Mercury’s Retrograde in Aquarius (AQU 27 – 12)

          2/8:  Interior Conjunction of Sun-Mercury (AQU 21)

‘a woman, disappointed and disillusioned, courageously faces a seemingly empty life’

          2/10:  Aquarius MercuryRx trine Gemini North Node (part 2) (AQU/GEM 19)

MercuryRx-  ‘a forest fire quenched’

North Lunar Node-  ‘a large archaic volume reveals traditional wisdom’

South Lunar Node-  ‘pelicans seek safer areas to raise their young’

          2/10:  Aquarius MercuryRx square Taurus Mars (AQU/TAU 18)

                     MercuryRx-  ‘a man’s secret motives are being publicly unmasked’

Mars-  ‘a woman airing an old bag through an open window’

          2/13:  MercuryRx conjunct Venus (AQU 15)

                     ‘two lovebirds on a fence’

          2/14:  MercuryRx conjunct Jupiter (AQU 14)

                     ‘a train entering a tunnel’

2/20:  Mercury stations direct (AQU 12) ‘People on a vast staircase, graduated upwards’

2/20 – 3/12:  Mercury’s Epilogue (AQU 12 – 27)

          3/2:  Aquarius Mercury trine Gemini North Node (part 3) (AQU/GEM 16)

                     Mercury-  ‘a big businessman at his desk’

                     North Lunar Node- ‘a woman activist in an emotional speech’

                     South Lunar Node- ‘seagulls fly around a ship in expectation of food’

          3/4:  Mercury conjunct Jupiter (AQU 18)

                     ‘a man’s secret motives are being publicly unmasked’



Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi

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