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Annular Solar Eclipse/New Moon
in Gemini: New Pathways of Thought
Moon conjunct Sun- 6/10/21 @
5:52am CDT
The cycle of the Mead Moon
begins while eclipsing the Sun in the northern latitudes. Along parts of the mostly arctic path of this
‘Ring of Fire’ eclipse, this lunar cycle has been known as Hunting Moon. For our Northern friends, the Moon near her
apogee will show a halo of sunlight around her for a few minutes as our
luminaries join together. And though
many of us will not be in that path…we’ll all feel the effects of New Moon near
her North Node.
'Annular Solar Eclipse' by Richard Bizley
A North Node Eclipse brings
the unfamiliar shadows of our future into our immediate present. This is the opposite of the familiar shadows
of the past that confronted us during the South Node Eclipse of May 26th. Now a glimpse of our future is revealed…confronting
us with more choices for accelerated change.
Dispatches from the next eclipse of this Saros Series 147 (on June
Solstice, 2039) are calling us to choose from the many possibilities our future
holds. And the only way we can do that
is to move beyond habitual thought patterns to create new pathways. It is a shift into unknown territory. And though the Mind is most comfortable with
what it knows, it needs new ideas to grow.
It’s time to explore our possibilities through imaginal ideas we’ve yet
to understand.
The strongest aspect to our
luminaries is a conjunction with retrograde Mercury, the ruler of Gemini,
relaying the messages of this season.
Less than 15 hours after Moon conjoins Sun and MercuryRx, the Interior
Conjunction of Sun and MercuryRx begins a New Mercury cycle. At New Mercury (8:10pm CDT), we all receive a
thoughtseed that grows throughout the Mercury cycle. This thoughtseed is planted in our Gemini
house, and it is potent with curiosity and a fascination for ideas. So as we rise from this Eclipse Season, we
head toward new pathways for the Collective Mind.
But these initiations in
Gemini are in a square aspect with Neptune and Pallas in Pisces. We’re pressed to negotiate our differences
between what is thought (or said) and what is felt. Pallas Athene, showing us the patterns and
shapes of our mindscape, weaves her wisdom through intuitive strategy. Neptune guides us through his otherworldly
realm where seemingly disparate parts dissolve into one another. Together they speak with inspired, big-picture
vision…all while challenging the influx of information in Gemini. A square is an aspect that demands change,
and the vibration of it can be used creatively or destructively. There’s never an easy fix, which is why
negotiations worldwide feel blocked but imperative. Within
yourself, a stalemate will also need to be moved through. There is an invitation here to take action
and move forward into the new, no matter how uncomfortable it may be at
Sabian Symbols of the Solar
North Lunar Node in Gemini
11: ‘A New Path of Realism in
The head of the Nodal Dragon,
whether it ascends in the Northern Hemisphere or descends in the Southern
Hemisphere, leads us to our unknown future…where destiny calls. In this degree, the Collective Soul is avidly
incorporating an influx of new pathways to future potentials. So much possibility is open to us, it might
feel overwhelming. Currently, we are
learning to trust that the experience of something new will ultimately lead to
our growth. Behaviors, attitudes, and
thought patterns must change in order to embrace a new way of being. This future orientation is full of
opportunity to realize our potential. An
uncharted step requires a choice within us to take the leap…so the shadows of
this eclipse will confront us with that choice.
You might ask yourself, ‘what am I afraid will happen if I choose this
new path?’. Because a revelation is
within your response.
Moon-Sun in Gemini 20: ‘A Cafeteria’
When we look at food as
energetic information that we digest through our bodies, we may understand the
cafeteria symbol as an abundance of information from many different parts of
the world. Prepared for our consumption,
many varied ‘Thought Cuisines’ are available to us. The thing about a North Node eclipse is that
it tends to amplify both the energy and the appetite for it. We may be more prone to overloading our
plates…or taking in more information than our systems can handle. Take time out to empty the mind for a
spell. As we move through this
collective shadow of Overabundance and Waste, we’ll need to temper our desire
to know it all. And if we fill ourselves
too full with other people’s ideas…we don’t leave room for our personal piece
of Mercury’s message.
MercuryRx in Gemini 21: ‘A Labor Demonstration’
Nurses strike in New Zealand
for fair pay and safer staffing
In the same degree where Sun
and MercuryRx will meet several hours after the eclipse, Mercury is
highlighting an important conflict that inspires the action of this new
beginning. That which has previously
been ignored arises in this energy to confront our consciousness. The demand, for all of us, is essentially
that something must be done to address our future. For some, it may be very personal…like the
need to replace an unhealthy habit with a healthy one. For others, it may be expressed in the social
sphere…a strike or a protest, for example.
Either way, the thought or idea comes into form as a response to the
conflict. And, through its
demonstration, it encourages more response and more consciousness to address it.
Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi
"I'd rather meet the Me down the road, to lead me through the fog...wouldn't ask for more." -Brittany Howard, 'Future People'
Beautiful, Felina. I listened to Anne Ortelee’s Astro weather forecast at astrohub and she did talk about the same I.e. changing old patterns towards new ones & so responding differently to the same stimulus - Uranus, creating a new groove or structure (Saturn) so things become new. It’s so cool & feels timely as well. Love you!
Love you too, Maria!
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