Thursday, April 07, 2011

Neptune in Pisces: The Spiritual Renaissance

On Monday morning, Neptune donned the cloak of Pisces (the sign it rules and, therefore, feels most comfortable in) for a new phase of spiritual exploration. As Neptune is a slow moving outer planet, it will stay in this sign for about 15 years. These are the years where we discover our true spiritual voice and its place in our material world.

Like everything, Neptune has a light side and a shadow side. On one hand, it rules idealism, inspiration, intuition, spirituality, mysticism, visionaries, abstract thinking, and all things related to water. On the other hand, it rules deception, delusion, disguise, escapism, the oppressed and abandoned, persecution, derangement, guilt, confinement, and addiction or physical intolerance to drugs and alcohol.

In Pisces, Neptune is operating at its highest vibration. During this transit, a spiritual renaissance is likely to blossom in those who are aligning with their own highest vibrations. For those that aren’t, or refuse to be…this period of time may find them working with deceptive aims, fearful delusion, or escapism in the form of addiction or fantasy.

Neptune also rules oil and liquids…so expect to see a lot more of these themes in the world news…our collective addiction to oil, its contamination of the waters of the world, and the torrential storms and natural disasters that Mother Nature responds with will likely get much heavier before it gets any better. As a collective (sad, but true), we don’t have a good track record for changing what we know we need to change right when we see it. Neptune can be a master of disguise…clouding the issues and making them appear other than they are. But don’t be fooled…we’re still in the same trouble we were in before. The powers that be are just going to be sweeping them under the rug as much as they can before the chorus populi can wildfire-voice it around the world again in a flash (as our current concentration of planets in Aries incline us to do). They’ve noticed the strength of the collective voice in this high-tech world, and they’ll likely use Neptunian shadow tactics to quiet or confuse it.

Coming together to pool our voices and activate awareness and solutions, outside of the technology of social networking, will be even more important in the years ahead. And so will transitioning from those outmoded beliefs, luxuries, and supposed needs that we’ve become so familiar with…and into ways and sustenance that seeks to harm none. Neptune suggests that the path toward this new wisdom is a spiritually attuned one.

Pisces is the sign of selfless service, imagination, sensitivity, dreams, intuition, and compassion. It can also be very malleable, secretive or vague. These qualities will color our spiritual journey for the years ahead, so while you are searching for your connection to the Divine…try to keep your wits about you. You can’t believe everything you hear, and you’ll need to keep a firm grip on reality so you don’t float up into the clouds for an extended stay in la-la land…or you’re likely to come crashing down into unfamiliar territory without your finger on the pulse of the state of this world.

There’s a lot to be said about Neptune in Pisces, but let’s wrap this up by talking about the creative flow of inspiration.

Delve into your subconscious mind, find your hidden motives and unmask them. Look for images you thought you lost and re-create them into something whole. Nurture your creative talent. Seek inspiration from your spiritual quest. Appreciate artistic communication. Find your sacred voice.

On my other blog, Cup of Kavi, I have just posted a musing that relates to Neptunian water imagery and the subconscious mind. If you have a moment more, the post ‘Catching Consciousness’ reveals the very process by which Neptune in Pisces can communicate to all of us.

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