Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Strong Sun New Moon and Solar Eclipse: The Initiation

On June 1st at 4:01pm, the moon starts a new phase as the Strong Sun Moon. At 4:15pm, there is a partial solar eclipse in the 12th degree of Gemini. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “Newly opened lands offer the pioneer new opportunities”, while the Sabian Symbol for the eclipse is “A slave girl demands her rights.”

Let’s begin with the New Moon. With the Sun-Moon illuminating as conjoined twins in Gemini, our luminaries form a harmonious trine with Saturn in Libra. Saturn in this position reminds us of others…cooperation, peacekeeping, and balance are the important lessons of this taskmaster in the sign of relationships. The trine promotes understanding, teamwork, and creative flow between the three. A new phase is opening up for us, and opportunities to succeed are conveniently there for the taking (as long as you make the effort…the natural tendency with a trine is to simply coast in the ease of it, but you’ll find more benefit from accomplishing something worthwhile now that you have this opportunity).

Each New Moon phase brings a new start with new opportunities, but this one even more so. We’re being initiated into a very intense few months (as a very powerful lunar eclipse and another powerful solar eclipse will all happen this summer in alignments that, in one way or another, will demand or command your attention). Here’s where we prepare for what’s to come by shedding old skin and identifying more with the completeness of who we are, as these are the changes we’ll be faced with this summer.

After those new opportunities from the New Moon present themselves, a first glimpse at our collective shadow appears. This first eclipse, though less intense than the two that follow, is a wake up call. After identifying what it is we need to do, and what it is we need to leave behind, in order to be the change we wish to see in the world…we may be backed into a corner by that which has held power over us for so long now. It’s important not to give in and go the easy route that takes little effort but has far-reaching drawbacks and debilitating limitations. Here, we will be called upon to demand our rights in the face of what we have allowed to limit our truly limitless selves. This may show up in the world view as more power-struggles, more signs of revolution, or more calls for change in our failing societal structures. But even more important is what is going on within each of us.

There is light and shadow within each of us. Many of us hide from our shadows by playing the victim and pointing fingers outside of us…whether it be at parents, relationships, or the evils of the world around us. We have these experiences, though, to teach us the whole truth about ourselves and our interconnectedness to what we experience. Those people, those situations, those struggles…they are mirrors reflecting what we refuse to acknowledge about ourselves.

The shadow side of our personalities are the parts of us we don’t want to identify with…the aspects of ourselves that we hide, repress, or dissociate after society teaches us various things that aim to correct what is ‘wrong’ or wild about us. We’re conditioned to watch our tempers, hold back our tears, look presentable, concern ourselves with money, keep our heads out of the clouds, not say something stupid or crazy, or any other variation on what blocks our self-expression. This is not to say that letting children run wild is the way to raise them. My parents laid down ‘the law’ for us, just as I find myself doing with my daughter now. But discipline is about teaching right from wrong and guiding along a morally sound path. Those are not the limitations to which I am referring. I’m talking about what makes us feel worthless, unloved, misunderstood, maladjusted, less than, wounded, afraid, disconnected or wrong. Harsh judgments stay with us, whether they come from outside or within. It’s those ideas that keep us from our highest potential. That is the shadow side at work…phantom pains from old wounds that demand that we heal them in order to discover our gifts.

No one can heal your own wounds but you. The Age of Pisces has been swimming in a martyr’s wounds for so long that we’ve grown disconnected to the collective undercurrent we share as living beings facing a new age. In terms of salvation, you have all you need to save, redeem, and reclaim yourself. In terms of damnation, you’ve handmade the shackles you wear…and only you have the key to free yourself from this story you’ve created with beliefs you’ve accepted until now. Looking outside of yourself for answers, for cues, for acceptance or reassurance…you’ll only be drowning yourself in the Piscean dream of the past. In the Age of Aquarius, you either identify with the Water Bearer who determines the flow…or you can be the victim who washes away with the past. Taking responsibility for who we are and what kind of world we co-create is key to the changes we are learning to make now.

This eclipse hastens us to begin or resume our healing process. Step out of self-defeating cycles and forge a new path filled with new discoveries. Identify your wounds, integrate your shadows in your healing and loving light, and identify yourself as whole in the process. Shed the limiting skin of the past and welcome the new you, unwounded.

Love and gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi

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