Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Strong Sun Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse: The Aperture

The Full Moon Eclipse at 3:12pm CDT on Wednesday, June 15th opens a portal of cosmic energy from the Galactic Center. This opening is an opportunity to consciously connect to the shadows within. During a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth passes between the two luminaries and the Earth’s shadow falls on the face of the Moon…so while it evokes experiences that confront your own shadow nature, it also evokes the collective shadow of the Earth itself.

This energy is an emotionally intense transformation of death and rebirth…where the shadow conceals the light of the self (Sun) from being reflected in the emotional body (Moon) for a brief time before the light returns. Eclipse energy is a quickening of time, healing opportunities, and confrontation with who we really are and what no longer resonates at the vibration of our highest frequency. We often come across times that are astrologically sound for ‘out with the old, in with the new’ cleansings of our lives…but this particular eclipse would be the once in a lifetime chance to have the universe act as a cosmic converter for everything that no longer serves us on our planet. Most of this process will not happen easily…crumbling foundations will leave a mess and people facing drastic confrontations of self may react with kicking and screaming victimization. However, there is a wide open door for those who wish to do the work required and get right with themselves for their own sake, and the sake of those they love.

Eclipse energy often highlights accelerated changes, clearing, eliminating, releasing, and transforming so new energies have room to manifest and grow. This can be like opening up a dark storage closet that hasn’t been opened for years, and thinning out the excess by determining what can be kept and what can be thrown out. Most of the things you find here will bring up shadows of your past, and you’ll have to let go of those attachments so that your new, more true to you, life has room to breathe.

The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon Eclipse is “a chubby boy on a hobbyhorse”. This is a symbol that connotes adolescence, coming of age, practicing manhood, asserting bravado, egotism, and threats in order to assume the role of alpha male. The projection of macho attitude swings back and forth like the gait of a galloping horse…full swing confrontation, and then retreat, and back and forth again…worked to a frenzy then released. Much effort will be put in to getting everyone involved or at least watching this display of assertiveness. It is mostly show, but something may also come to a head. Be careful not to feed the dramatic behavior that may be asserted during this time. You have better, more important things to do…no matter how important these types of people may want to appear. Keep in mind they aren’t even riding a real horse in this act. ;) Go do the good things for yourself that will better serve you at this time…and let others beat a dead horse if they will.

We still have another eclipse to finish this sequence at the next new moon (July 1st). Here we are at the midpoint...what we do in this energy will determine what will come in a few weeks.

Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi

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