Friday, May 04, 2012

Full Flower Moon 2012

At 10:33 pm CDT on Saturday, May 5th, the Full Moon in Scorpio is exact.  During a full moon, the Sun and Moon are in opposite degrees of the zodiac...this time the Sun is in the 17th degree of Taurus, while the Moon is in the 17th degree of Scorpio.

This is a very energetically potent full moon.  Many of you already know that it is known as the Wesak Moon (or, as I like to call it...the Buddhafull Moon) that Buddhists celebrate, also the Flower Moon (you can probably guess where it got this name), and also that it is called a supermoon because of its closer proximity to us.

So, I would like to take this time to get into details about this specific full moon this weekend, so you may better understand the energies present within this opposition and hopefully be better prepared to tap into this extraordinary energy.

First of all, I want to remind you of the rhythm of the solar-lunar dance.  During a New Moon (when the Moon and Sun are together in the exact degree of the zodiac), we plant the seeds in our earthly lives that we nurture to grow during the waxing cycle.  At the time of the Full Moon, whatever was seeded is now meant to blossom to it's full realization at this time.  Then during the waning moon, we feel the necessity of 'pulling the weeds' or clearing out the excess that isn't helping us grow or is working against the work we are putting into our heart's desire.

With that in mind, let's look at the Sabian Symbols of the zodiacal degrees being highlighted by our luminaries.  We'll start with the Moon, which represents the past as well as emotional comfort and feminine (receptive, or 'yin') nurturance.  The symbol for the 17th degree of Scorpio is 'A woman, the father of her own child.'  This symbol represents where we are coming from and what we have been emotionally involved with during the waxing phase of this Flower Moon.  It signifies the commitment, diligence, and productivity that we have given to our goals that we began at the beginning of this phase.  It highlights that our emotional nurturance lately has been empowered by the nurturance we've given others.  Our resources to help others have encouraged us to take control of our own lives and express confidence at being self-sufficient.  Like a woman who raises her child herself, we have learned the necessity of balancing the masculine and feminine nature within us in order to give that balance outside of us (to our children, our relationships, or our projects) and ensure their survival.  This balance of energies is the nucleus of all things...the balance of yin and yang, a sustenance of give and receive.

In opposition to that energy (which can either express itself as a tug-of-war or a balance between opposites, depending on how wisely you've planted and cared for your goal since the New Moon on April 21st), the Sun's symbol in the 17th degree of Taurus is 'A symbolic battle between swords and torches.'  The Sun represents the expression of our goal and where it is leading us, as well as how we can shine as we further infuse this goal with the masculine (projective, or 'yang') energy.  This signifies that some problem-solving will need to take place this weekend in order to come to a resolution of your intention.  Let's think of resolution in terms of music, since I've already expressed that the luminaries seem to dance.  The resolution is when the musician or orchestra passes from a discord into a concord during the course of changing harmony.  In other words, the discord that you may be feeling...don't hold on to that note...change the harmony, and conduct the symphony with your intentions, rather than watching it struggle without your guidance.  Guide your goal to realization with strong conviction, integrity, and (of course) balance.  This symbolic battle between swords and torches indicates that it is between the masculine elements of air and fire.  Within this symbolism, air (swords) represents the mental plane while fire (torches) represent the spiritual plane.  Here is where the battle is taking place, there is some indecision and resistance about how to forge ahead victoriously with our intentions.  It's very likely that your mental state is working against your spiritual empowerment, and that a spiritual crisis is weighing on your mind.  Find a resolution now.  This is the next step in achieving your goal so that you can actualize it as the moon wanes.  There are likely very heavy, maybe even combative, questions in your mind that are sabotaging your inner peace.    You are the only one who can sufficiently answer those questions and solve your problem.

In the bigger picture of things, as we look outside of ourselves and our personal goals and intentions so that we may relate this inner opposition to the external ones in our environment, we see this same battle against peace, balance, and harmony.  The spiritual and mental implications of all that is going on right now in our world is weighing on our intentions to conduct a change into harmony from discord.  We may feel like we are trying to nurture the innocence of this world like a mother with no choice but to become everything she can to her child.  It is weighty work.  The external influences are not always safe or healthy.  There are people and circumstances working against this desire for harmony.  But you are not alone...there are many of us who are working for the same goal. Separate, we struggle, fall behind, and give our power away to those who wish to keep us disempowered and needful.  But together, we find the strength to endure these tests of our will, we find inspiration in the compassion of those who understand, and we find the power to overcome a battle that has no place in our world.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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