Saturday, February 23, 2013

Chakra Centers, Part Six: Healing the Thoughts

6th Chakra:  Third Eye Chakra
Center of Intuition

The third eye (or brow chakra), located between the eyebrows, is the center of psychic power and intuition.  The third eye functions include logic, intellect, and Higher Thought. This chakra enables you to experience telepathy, astral travel, past life information, and psychic channeling.  This is the chakra where you can tune in to your Higher Self and activate spiritual wisdom.  

This is where we learn open mindedness and where we learn to understand reality with detachment.  An open third eye also allows us to have psychic dreams, dream recall, clairvoyance, soul realization, spiritual sight, and telepathic communication.  This is the seat of the mind, intuition, intelligence, perception, concentration, imagination, visualization, reasoning, insight, memory and clear thinking.  It governs the mental images and ideas that flow in and out of the mind.  The subliminal messages and ideas (both positive and negative that the ego believes about the self, society and the world) are replayed here.  The third eye controls the way a body perceives the Self and the world.

By the power of your thoughts, you create the world.  Thoughts are energy.  Thoughts are things.  This chakra, when balanced, allows you to detach and release those heavy thought forms that weigh you down…the fears, negative perceptions, and worries that lower your energy.  Those fears become entities in your energy field, feeding off of your own energy.  When you give energy to them, they cling to you…wanting more.  When you deny them energy and attention, they dissolve away. 

The thoughts of others with whom you interact can influence you and your experience.  For instance, when interacting with a positive, creative person you will feel uplifted and stimulated even when no words are exchanged.  Your mood is elevated and you feel full of energy and joy.  Similarly, when you interact with a negative person, you begin to feel lowered and drained.  This is a direct result of another person’s thoughts, which are a form of energy around you.

To balance this chakra, learn to have an open mind.  This does not mean you need to believe everything.  But consider everything.  Feel whether or not it resonates truth to you.  Meditation and visualization has a powerful effect on this chakra.  Focus on the color indigo, the depth of this color speaks directly to your mind's eye.  Be aware of your thoughts.  Think positively.  Crystals and other healing methods aligned with this chakra can be found below.

Balanced Energy:

Charismatic, can receive guidance, not attached to material things,
no fear of death, master of yourself, you no longer need another person to complete yourself.

Excessive Energy:

Egomaniac, proud, grandiose, manipulative, denial, self-delusion, spaced out, living in illusions, refusal to face reality, escapism, overly sensitive, fearful, religiously dogmatic, authoritarian.

Deficient Energy:

Non-assertive, undisciplined, lack of future planning, commitment issues, confused, lack of concentration, muddled thinking, physically and materially focused, tense, excessive worrying, forgetfulness, oversensitive to the feelings of others, afraid of success, little (if any) psychic skills or intuition, superstitious, dogmatic, rigid beliefs, inability to be who you really are, lack of discernment, schizophrenic (unable to distinguish between Ego self and Higher self).

Illnesses associated with the Third Eye Chakra:

Confusion, nightmares, mental illness, migraines, bad eyesight, eye problems, lack of clarity, tension, psychic or mental exhaustion, problems with glands, and psychosomatic disorders.

Glands/organs/body parts associated with the Third Eye Chakra:

Pineal, pituitary, brain, eyes, ears, nose.

Stones/crystals/minerals to aid the healing of the Third Eye Chakra:

Lapis lazuli, azurite, sodalite, kyanite, sugilite, quartz crystal, sapphire, fluorite, .

Healing the Third Eye with meditative thought:

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