Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chakra Centers, Part Two: Healing the Emotions

2nd Chakra:  Sacral Chakra
Center of Emotion

The Sacral Chakra, located just below the navel, holds the desire to give and receive pleasure, enjoyment, and satisfaction from life.  It gives us the ability to feel emotions and vibrations from others.  This is the seat of creativity, and also the center of sexuality for women.  The Sacral Chakra is influenced by how emotions were expressed or repressed during childhood.

To balance this chakra, express your creativity.  Create love, friendship, art, music, a meal, etc.  Eat healthy foods.  Dance, move your hips, laugh and have some fun.  Focusing on the color orange can enliven your creativity and passion.  You can open this chakra by using foods and crystals as well, listed below.

When two people who truly love each other make love, the light and energy from their sacral chakras mix.  This creates a fantastic aura around them which has a vibration so powerful that a lot of negative karma can be burned away.  Expressing yourself in this way, or by any creative act, can help you to develop personally as well as spiritually.

Balanced sacral energy:

Friendly, joyful, concerned for others, sense of belonging, easy emotions, intuitive, clairsentient, good sense of humor, radiate warmth and compassion.

Excessive sacral energy:

Emotionally explosive, reactive, overly ambitious, overly helpful, manipulative, envy, vanity, selfishness, caught up in illusions, overindulgent, promiscuity, adultery, sexual energy sees people as sex objects.

Deficient sacral energy:

Shy, timid, immobilized by fear, overly sensitive, self-negating, socially awkward, creative blocks, hides emotions, burdened by guilt, sexual energy is clingy, co-dependent, feels guilty about having sex, abused, frigid or impotent.

Illnesses associated with the sacral chakra:

Kidney weakness, diabetes, liver problems related to excess, constipation, loss of weight, irregular menstruation, ovarian cysts, uterine cancer, STDs, PMS, hormone imbalances, hernias, muscle cramps, lack of energy, allergies, repression and inhibition.

Glands/organs/body parts associated with the sacral chakra:

Skin, kidney, mammary glands, ovaries, testicles, prostate, spleen

Stones/crystals/minerals to aid sacral chakra healing:

Carnelian, coral, amber, orange calcite, cherry opal

Beneficial foods and drinks for the sacral chakra:

Spring or Artesian water, seeds (especially flaxseed), tropical fruits (especially coconut and coconut oil), nuts, orange colored (natural) foods.

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