Monday, July 29, 2013

The Grand Sextile: Symphony of the Sacred Sisters

A grand sextile is a very rare astrological occurrence.  It is an aspect configuration of three oppositions and two interlocking Grand Trines which create a six-pointed star of sextiles (harmonious aspect of 60 degrees).   The last Grand Sextile was in 2003, and the next won't come around until 2025.

This particular one has a short duration because the quick-moving Moon forms the final point of the star.  It peaks around noon today (July 29th), but is in effect throughout this day.

What all of this means is that the celestial bodies are aligning at this time in the spirit of creative cooperation that provides positive opportunities toward pure intentions and goals.  In this configuration, these bodies are all in the first decans of the feminine Earth and Water signs, which deal with manifesting these gifts on the physical and emotional planes.

In addition to this, and to add activation to the Grand Sextile, the lunar nodes and asteroids form a Fixed Grand Cross incorporating each of the Elemental Sacred Sisters (earth, air, fire, and water) in signs that are known for stability, determination, depth, and persistence.  The main purpose of the Fixed Grand Cross is to maintain and follow-through with the momentum gained from changes made during the many Cardinal Grand Crosses we have experienced in the last few years.  This cross is made up of 4 squares (aspects of 90 degrees that initiate action) of two oppositions.  The lunar nodes in Scorpio and Taurus are one opposition, while the other is Vesta in Leo and Juno in Aquarius.  The lunar nodes provide us with destined meetings between people who can further us along our paths, while the asteroid sisters chime in with devotion to a creative cause and loyalty to the greater good.  The underlying themes of this time is dedication toward improving self-worth (Fixed Grand Cross) and creative manifestation (Grand Sextile).

And though there are many challenges present with all of these oppositions, the Grand Sextile aims to bring it all home and focus the energy toward positive outcomes.  But these are not opportunities that just fall into our laps...there is work to be done.  Much of the work is symbolized in the balancing of opposites.  

Mars-Jupiter-Pallas opposite Pluto (Cancer/Capricorn):  The Spiritual Warrior

Within this balance, we find the ability to conquer the ego and gain control over our inner lives.  The archetype of The Spiritual Warrior represents physical and emotional strength and the ability to protect, defend, and fight for one's rights.  This is the Hero's Journey, in both the masculine sense as well as the feminine sense, where an individual goes on a journey of initiation to awaken an inner knowing or spiritual power. The Self emerges as the Hero/Heroine faces physical and internal obstacles, confronting the survival fears that would compromise his/her journey of empowerment and conquering the forces arrayed against him/her. The Hero then returns to the tribe with something of great value to all.

Venus opposite Neptune (Virgo/Pisces):  The Magical Child

Within this balance, we find love in its purest form and the potential for sacred beauty within all things.  The archetype of The Magical Child is gifted with the power of imagination and the belief that anything is possible.  An example of this archetype would be Anne Frank, who wrote in her diary that in spite of all the horror surrounding her family while hiding from Nazis in an attic in Amsterdam, she still believed that humanity was basically good. Her insights, offered at a time when most people were collapsing under the weight of war and persecution, continue to inspire people to seek out the wondrous side of life, even in a crisis.

Moon opposite Saturn (Taurus/Scorpio):  The Hieros Gamos

Within this balance, we find the Sacred Marriage...the divine union of opposites.  There are many archetypal unions within this energy...but most notably the Goddess and God or the Mother and Father.  When combined, these archetypes are life-givers, teachers, and protectors, at their best when cooperating their talents together.  This opposition is a call to unify the sacred feminine with the sacred masculine within us all in order to give birth to the life we desire to live.

So, take these opportunities that arise today to balance yourself in meditation on your greatest dream.  Remind yourself that you have the strength to overcome all obstacles placed in your path and learn from them, you have the creative ability to make anything possible, and you have the union of opposites within you to breathe life into the world.  Listen to that quiet, inner voice for direction toward your goals...and don't sabotage your abilities to choose the right path by giving energy to any fears or difficulties that may arise.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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