Friday, October 04, 2013

New Blood Moon in Libra: Reapers and Resurrections

New Blood Moon in Libra:  Reapers and Resurrections
 New Moon Phase begins 10-4-13 @ 7:34pm CDT

October often evokes a contrast of symbols:  goldening greens in glorious display followed by their inevitable fall, the cooperative harvesting of the fruits of our labors followed by the urge to turn inward, and the festive acceptance of spooks and spirits followed by the frightful skeletons that emerge from our past.

The month begins in Libra, after all, urging the balance of opposites.  The October Moon is known as the Hunter’s Moon or the Blood Moon, as now is the best time to hunt for that which comes out to feed upon the remains of Mother Nature’s bounty.

This dark moon phase begins in a haunted tone, as it reveals the ‘ghost of yet to come’ with its activation of the Uranus-Pluto square that reaches its synodic exaction on November 1st.  But this is not just one opposition between our luminaries and Uranus, both in squares to Pluto.  The Dark Moon Lilith is opposite Pluto tonight, engaging all four points in a Cardinal Grand Cross.  We have been seeing a lot of this kind of cross since 2010…the tensions of which are almost familiar by now, but no less active.  This is essentially a stretching of ourselves in four directions, an identity crisis of humankind.  Too much emphasis in one area causes friction and backlash from other areas.  It may seem like you’re damned if you do, but you’re most assuredly damned if you don’t.  Squares hold the energy of activation…pushing us through stressful situations in order to affect a necessary change.

The following brings to light more conflicting symbols associated with the current squares of this Cardinal Grand Cross.  The goal is to give consideration to each as it applies to you, and humanity as a whole, and activate the balances needed to bring about necessary change inwardly and outwardly.

Sun and Moon conjunct in Libra 12:  Miners Emerging from a Mine

Something dirty from the deep is now illuminated in our awareness…and its emergence may bring gifts from those depths while simultaneously evoking feelings of disdain for the dirty deed done.  Hidden truths may be drawn out, information coaxed, or secrets revealed. 

Pluto in Capricorn 10:  An Albatross Feeding from the Hand of a Sailor

Reciprocity is still the key to unearthing our desired actions.  Giving and receiving in kind creates the necessary balance that provides for everyone involved.  There may be a bit of fear holding each side back from cooperation, after all, there is the potential one could get hurt.  It is disempowering on one side to give too much, and on the other to give too little.  But this symbol reminds us that Generosity heals the wounds that Greed creates.

Uranus in Aries 11:  The President of a Country

You see how our own president is put on the cross by the bullies of congress during this government shutdown…this is the same symbolism happening with our own lives, the symbolic countries we oversee.  We can expect a similar dynamic…stubborn refusal to go along with what has already been set forth.  Any unnecessary ego battles are going to hurt others who may not have been considered.  Innovative action is needed to get every element of this stalemate and struggle back on the same page.  Each of us must face the responsibility ahead of us to affect this change.

Lilith in Cancer 14:  A Very Old Man Facing a Vast Dark Space to the Northeast

The Northeast is the direction of solitude, stillness, and silence.  It is the space that occupies the void between individuality and transcendence.  It is the chrysalis of transformation, the cave of hibernation, and the shedding of the skin that no longer serves us.  Lilith draws us inward in an effort to release what we have been clinging to that is no longer needed.  She urges us to let go of the blockages that keep us in the darkness, and awaken the sleeping energy within to bring us to illumination.

Maybe it all sounds like bad news, but there’s good in it too.  Helpful, harmonious aspects abound within and around these tensions.  Look for good opportunities to take action, and make something extraordinary happen in the face of adversity.

Happy New Moon!
Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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