Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Totem Tuesday: Dragon Medicine

Dragon Medicine
by Felina Lune Kavi

"It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him." -J.R.R. Tolkien

Keywords: Elemental Magic, Primal Forces of Nature, Protection, Power, Strength, Life Force, Potency, Longevity, Mastery of Self-Control, Battling Fears, Opportunity for Valor, Revealing Hidden Knowledge, Depth, Subconscious, Inner Voice, Inspiration, Luck, Material Gain, Prosperity, Wisdom

It is not uncommon to have a mythological creature as a totem animal, but it does mean that messages from this guide will come more creatively than sitting in a natural setting and observing the animals that appear.  Dragon is a powerful and unmistakable totem presence. In almost every culture and throughout history there are stories about these magical beasts.  As it evolved from the concept of the earth as a living being, Dragons are associated with the elements as well as with natural forces such as earthquakes, storms, and other weather phenomena. 

Earth Dragon

Wealth, Grounding Scattered Energies, Potential

Earth Dragon dwells within the belly of the earth.  This dragon is associated with natural forces such as earthquakes.  The man-made earthquakes associated with fracking in recent decades can be likened to awakening these dormant energies that protect the earth, resulting in earthquakes that would otherwise not happen. Known to hoard riches, Earth Dragon is symbolic of acquiring wealth and things associated with the material plane.  Those with this totem may find that they attract material abundance easily, but they are equally susceptible to hoarding material possessions.  To unlock the true power of this totem, they must learn to share their abundance with others…which, in turn, attracts more prosperity not only on the material plane but on the emotional, mental, soul and spiritual planes as well.  Because of the earth element, Earth Dragon Medicine grounds scattered energies.  It also unlocks the potential within those with this totem…as the Earth Dragon lives within the womb of the earth, awakening this energy awakens their greatest potential.

Air Dragon

Insight, Inspiration, Clear-Thinking

Air Dragon dwells in the sky among the clouds.  This dragon is associated with natural forces such as tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes, blizzards, windstorms and thunderstorms.  Known to have the power to control the weather, Air Dragon is symbolic of the mental state.  A Dragon flying through clear skies gives the medicine of powerful insight, inspiration, and clear-thinking.  Stormy skies, especially when rain is present, represents the mental turbulence associated with heavy emotions clouding the thought process.  Those with this totem may find meditation to be particularly powerful in aiding them through anxieties and troubled times, unlocking the wisdom of this totem by clearing their mind of extraneous noise.  Because of the Air element, Air Dragon Medicine has much to do with controlling the mental state, the power of communication, and putting thought into action.

Fire Dragon

Energy, Creativity, Transmutation

Fire Dragon dwells within volcanoes.  This dragon is associated with natural forces such as volcanic activity, heat waves and wildfires.  Known to have the power of transmutation, Fire Dragon is symbolic of cycles of life and death and things associated with the soul plane.  Though in most myths, legends, and folklore many different types of dragons breathe fire…the Fire Dragon’s fire is not only for destruction but also for creation.  Those with this totem may have powerful energy that can either be used to create or destroy, and they must learn to harness this energy for its best use in their lives.  Because of the Fire element, Fire Dragon Medicine often comes along in our lives surrounding a significant death of someone or something…and a birth of someone or something else.

Water Dragon

Intuition, Memory, Feeling

Water Dragon dwells within the depths of the oceans.  This dragon is associated with natural forces such as floods and tsunamis.  Known to control the seas, Water Dragon is symbolic of the subconscious realm and the emotional plane.  In the days when people thought the world was flat, cartographers would inscribe maps with a warning that said ‘Dragons Be Here’ in the part of the ocean where they assumed was the edge of the world.  Accounts of different forms of Water Dragons are the earliest recorded in history, and this is likely because the seas were, and really still are, full of mysteries in their depths…much like the subconscious realm.  Those with this totem hold a great depth of feeling and are often empaths.  Their memory, especially for how things felt to them, is very strong…especially the memory stored in their subconscious mind.  Because of the Water Element, Water Dragon Medicine brings a heightened intuition and the ability to receive messages through dreams.

All of these elemental dragon energies combine into the quintessential dragon medicine of the fifth element…known as Aether in ancient Greece or Akasha in India.  This is the cosmic dragon energy alluded to in the astrological nodes of the moon which tell the story of what we have learned and what we are here to learn now.  While each person with a Dragon Totem may have a stronger influence of one or two of the elemental varieties each element is present within the whole of Dragon Medicine.  People with Dragon as their totem guide are often very wise and powerful guides themselves, possessing the ability to see beyond the mundane and into a person’s greatest potential. 

However, Dragon medicine is not easy to learn as it often seems quite foreign to us humans who are far removed from being at one with nature in a world that pulls us apart from that bond.  It may take a great deal of time and dedication to fully understand and utilize this medicine, but it is well worth the effort.  Dragon Medicine offers powerful protection and strength to withstand the most difficult of battles.  Most of us grow up with stories of dragons being slain by a hero.  Though in these stories Dragon is the adversary of man this totem is a great ally in your own 'hero’s journey'.  Dragon will face you with your fears…giving you opportunities for valor while teaching self-mastery along the way. 

If Dragon is one of your totems, these and many other lessons will be prevalent in your life.  Dragon will encourage you to refine your mastery of this medicine.  If you see a dragon (usually in dreams or journeys), but it is not one of your totems, respect it as a messenger for that time.  You may need its medicine for what is happening then or what is coming up in the near future.  It may be that you need to pay closer attention and give more care to the earth and what she is trying to communicate to us.  Or you could be presented with opportunities to use your skills for powerful effect in your life or in the lives of others.  In all cases, Dragon offers protection and the strength to face adversity.  Call upon Dragon to reveal hidden knowledge and provide you with great wisdom along your path.

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