Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Totem Tuesday: Turtle/Tortoise Medicine

Turtle/Tortoise Medicine
by Felina Lune Kavi

“Try to be like the turtle—at ease in your own shell.” – Bill Copeland

Keywords:  Mother Earth Energy, Ancient Wisdom, Healing, Protection, Psychic Shielding, Grounding, Stability, Dependability, Practical Expression of Creativity, Productivity, Steady Effort, Cautiousness, Deliberateness, Patience, Planning, Determination, Stubbornness, Self-Reliance, Completion, Peace, Luck, Longevity, Endurance, Opportunism, Adaptability, Listening, Non-violent Defense, Emotional Strength, Long Cycles of Transformation, Balance, Sacred Breath, Grace Under Pressure, Navigation, Going Within, Connection with the Center, Doorways to New Dimensions

In Native American folklore, North America is referred to as ‘Turtle Island’.  Turtle is said to have carried the weight of this land on her back and is known as the Peace-Maker.  In Hindu and Chinese cultures, Turtle is also known as carrying Mother Earth and holding the world in balance.  Those with this totem have a strong connection to the Earth as well as to water.  They carry a sense of ‘home’ with them wherever they go and appreciate our planet and all life upon it.  They have a strong connection to their own center and learn from Turtle to live in balance with our planet, giving as much back as we receive.  They try to strive for harmony with all things and try to keep the peace in their relationships.

Turtle is a shore creature, living between land and water.  As shore areas are associated with doorways to other dimensions and realms, Turtle helps us to navigate between worlds.  The females of the aquatic varieties journey out of the water to bury their eggs in the sand, which is symbolic of creative ideas being brought from the collective unconscious and being ‘planted’ in the conscious realm to manifest in a deliberate and practical manner.  Turtles lay many eggs, with only a few surviving the first trek through the sand and into the water.  

People with this totem may feel ‘pregnant’ with multiple creative ideas…but with the wisdom to discern the best survivors and bring one or two of them to completion at a time.  In this way, they become very productive people…seeing many projects to completion throughout their lifetimes with the ability to apply patient focus at a steady pace. Just as baby turtles rely on themselves immediately after hatching, Turtle teaches self-reliance and emotional strength to endure the struggles of the journeys ahead of us.  People with this totem learn to be their own protectors, as well as to rely on Mother Earth to provide for them what they need outside of themselves.

Because of their long life expectancy and their slow metabolism, turtles are associated with longevity and ancient wisdom.  Turtles and Tortoises are very slow animals on land (though aquatic turtles, with their webbed feet or flippers, and more stream-lined shells, are faster and more agile in water).  Those with Turtle as a totem are usually healthy, live long lives, and work through things slowly and methodically.  They inherently understand that they have all the time in the world and don’t need to rush through life to make the most of it.  

Turtle medicine teaches new perceptions about time and our relationship to it.  People with this totem learn not to push things, though they are determined to see things through to completion and develop the patience to go the long haul with their endeavors.  Though they are peaceful people, they can be quite stubborn, and they may also give a ‘warning snap’ when pushed too far.

When turtles molt, they only slough off a little bit of skin at a time.  Their process of transformation, both in the evolutionary sense as well as individually, is very slow.  The first known turtles lived around 220 million years ago and their shell, which has remained a remarkably stable body plan, is thought to have evolved from bony extensions of their backbones and broad ribs that expanded and grew together to completion…offering protection throughout every stage of its evolution, even when the shell was not complete.  Because of their evolution, turtles are also symbols of endurance and stability.  In Feng Shui, turtles and tortoises are often used as symbols in the career/journey sector of the home as well as in the prosperity sector to encourage steady growth in both areas of the lives of the inhabitants.

Turtles breathe less often than humans and eat and drink very little in comparison.  Teachers of Qi-Gong breathing techniques use the turtle as a symbol to teach their students the sacredness of breath. Even in kung-fu stories, heroes escape danger using ‘turtle breathing’ to play dead.  Turtles do not take more than they need, and they teach us to appreciate all life has to offer…stopping to ‘smell the roses’ from time to time and understanding that the race is already won.  Slow and steady finds the clearest path…directing us toward our goal with planning and determination.

Turtles have excellent hearing, and teach clairaudience and how to listen well to those around us.  People with this totem are also good listeners and are the type of people that others seek out when they need someone they can trust to confide in and listen to them.  Because of their ability to really listen to what others want to say to them, they also tend to have the ability to hear what is not being said at the same time.  They can detect subtleties of the voice that can clue them in on who people really are.  Sometimes they may learn more about a person than that person knows about themselves. 

When feeling threatened or uncomfortable in their surroundings, Turtle will withdraw into its shell.  Their medicine offers a similar protection from some of the harshness of the outside world and people with this totem often have a rich inner life in which they make time to withdraw and recharge. Often, they need to take this time to develop ideas, coming out of their shell again when those ideas are ready to be expressed and manifested.  

Also, if a turtle is flipped onto its back, it can flip upright again by using its strong neck and head to right itself.  Those with this totem learn to use their head and knowledge to right themselves when they are feeling like their world is turned upside down. 

Turtle medicine teaches the necessity of grounding yourself and being one with the earth.  Through planning, steady effort, and patience, those with this totem can be very productive in achieving goals throughout their lives.  They are also very adaptable people in many types of surroundings and they are skilled at waiting for the best opportunities to arise before taking action.  Turtle medicine helps to navigate the world with deliberate and cautious steps, always directing us toward peace and prosperity.

Turtle reminds us that all that we need is in Mother Earth.  She will care for us, protect us, and nurture us as long as we do the same for her.  To do this, we must slow down and appreciate all that we have been given on this planet while taking measured steps to ensure that we are giving back.  Turtle urges us to realize that we are all connected.  Just as it cannot separate from its shell, neither can we live separately from the Earth or what we do to her.  Turtle shares the wisdom that how we treat our planet is how we treat ourselves…so we must take care of her as she takes care of us.

If Turtle is one of your totems, these and many other lessons will be prevalent in your life.  Turtle will encourage you to refine your mastery of this medicine.  If you see a turtle, but it is not one of your totems, respect it as a messenger for that time.  You may need its medicine for what is happening then or what is coming up in the near future.  With the wisdom Turtle brings, you may want to ask yourself if things are getting too hectic and you need to slow your pace and breathe.  It could be that you need to ground yourself or go within to come up with new ideas and solutions.  Turtle is a patient creature teacher.  Its medicine, when applied over long periods of time, gives us the ability to make our dreams come true through steady effort and always walk the peaceful path, honoring the life within all things.

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