Thursday, November 02, 2017

Full Moon in Taurus:  Potentials, Aspirations, and Appearances in a ‘Have or Have Not’ World

Full Moon in Taurus:  Potentials, Aspirations, and Appearances in a ‘Have or Have Not’ World
Moon opposite Sun @ 12:21am CDT, 11-4-17

Welcome to the Mourning Moon in her full display! This is the “time which is no time” between Samhain (the Witches’ New Year) and Yule (the Winter Solstice, which begins the 12 days of Yule that lead us into the New Year of 2018).  In this darkest transition of the Wheel of the Year, celebrations of the New Year are suspended until daylight begins increasing again.  In this suspended time, we witness the many deaths and transformations in our environment and we turn inward as well.  Dreary as it sounds (and often looks and feels to us northerners under blankets of snow), this ‘between time’ holds great potential for otherworldly, metaphysical experiences.  The veils between worlds thin at Samhain (Sundown of October 31st) and that window into heightened perception stays open for a couple of months.  This is the first full moon of “no time”, and is just as dynamic as when it was new on October 19th.  This year’s Mourning Moon is an active time of cosmic interplay where we are drawn to the dynamics of group experience…all the while being pulled into inward reflection by the very nature of the season.  Two strong oppositions are leading the ebb and flow of these energies, calling for balance:  the usual Sun-Moon opposition of the Full Moon and the unusual Venus-Uranus opposition at the same time.

The Full Moon Opposition-  Appealing to the Public Eye

In this set of Sabian Symbols, we see some distinct themes:  display, aspiration, potential, appearance, measuring-up, leveling-up, refinement, and even feeling out of your league.  Social ‘prestige’ (a word that literally means ‘trick’ or ‘illusion’) is tempting the ego at this time.  Neptune, who often acts as the Planetary Prestidigitator, makes harmonious aspects to the luminaries at this Full Moon, and so is included as a key to both balancing the opposition and lifting the veil on what we thought we believed to be true. Ceres, asteroid of the Nurturer, is in a harsh square with the luminaries and an inconjunct to Neptune...possibly throwing a bit of a wet blanket on our desire to escape into a more enchanted life.

Moon in Taurus 12- A Couple Window-Shopping

Hopes and dreams for the future are featured at this time.  Our culture and its advertising narratives of life becoming easier, or better, or more beautiful if we have this or that may be an undercurrent.  Be careful not to slip into materialism, or retail therapy, as a means to satisfy your craving for a better life.  At the heart of this symbol is a couple on a quest for shared experiences and happiness.  After all, there are other windows opening up at this time to peer through and connect with what you might be looking for. Notice, too, that while looking into someone else’s window display that you find appealing…a slight change of perspective reflects your own image back at you.  In that mirrored reflection, do you see what you lack?  Or can you see all the unique gifts that you have already? Underneath all the adornments and trappings of how we appear for others, what is your authentic expression?

Sun in Scorpio 12- An Official Embassy Ball

Here there may be the desire to be socially accepted, to mix and mingle with the right crowd that can get you where you want to be in life, to be able to make connections with people from all around the world who are influential, and to be influential yourself.  Sometimes there is a Cinderella feeling apparent in this symbol…where you are always taking care of others and their messes, not fit for or welcome to ‘the ball’, wondering why love and fortune has escaped you, wishing you had a fairy godmother to get your glass-slippered foot in the door of a new life.  The truth is, everyone at the ball is hiding behind one mask/disguise or another.  The Scorpio Sun here also heightens the perceptive ability to look into others and see if they are being their authentic self or just putting on a show for others…and this ability comes from being keenly aware of when you are doing the same.  Essentially, we all want to be influential in some way.  This doesn’t have to look like the image, of course…hob-nobbing with the elite. (Etymology Nerd Side Note:  The term ‘hob-nob’ comes from ‘have or have not’). But right now, many of us are focusing on how powerless we feel to positively influence the world around us or to make better changes in our own life that make us feel empowered.  It can seem like all the important decisions that affect our lives are made by people who don’t live the same hardships…which is often true.  Both symbols have that underlying storyline of desiring more, or desiring a better life.  But it is also a reminder to embrace and appreciate your authenticity in a social climate full of distractions from what is real.  Remember that you, too, have unique gifts to offer.

Neptune in Pisces 12- An Examination of Initiates

In harmonious aspect to the Sun and Moon is Neptune, the planet of Group Mystification.  Neptune’s lessons are often the kind that are shrouded behind some kind of veil, only to be revealed in stages of discovery after periods of being ‘in the dark’.  Initially confusing and disorienting, Neptune’s tests are meant to take us beyond what we know and into uncharted waters…it’s a process of gaining clarity in an unclear world.  It is those initiations into the Mysteries, where our lives must be examined to reach new levels of access and participation.  The larger description of this symbol is ‘in the sanctuary of an occult brotherhood, newly initiated members are being examined and their character tested’.  Neptune, who is usually about dissolving boundaries and not so much enforcing them, acts as the Grand Master here who upholds the laws, rules, and hierarchical order as the members vow secrecy and carry out the examinations of initiates.  So it is each of our own characters that are being tested now.  And in any situation where we find ourselves being tested, scrutinized, or judged…the best option is always to try to perform at our best.  Neptune’s lesson here is ‘prove yourself’…which will help to balance the opposing ‘have and have not’ forces of this Full Moon.

Ceres in Leo 13- A Retired Sea Captain Rocking Himself on the Porch of His Cottage

In harsh aspect to all of these energies is Ceres, the asteroid of the Caregiver.  She’s been through Neptune’s stormy seas…enduring the tests of character in our youth that make us judge ourselves or be judged by others…and even being a commanding presence in adulthood who others may see as someone influential in escaping into a world of uncharted possibilities.  Tired of all that striving now…she’d much rather relax in her rocker than get back in the fray.  There is a sense of quiet, contemplative contentment here that doesn’t quite rock in unison with the dynamic waves rocking our boat.  But relaxed as the image is, Ceres’s focus here and the dynamic aspects she provides will make this ‘need to simplify and keep calm’ a pressing issue.  Ceres shows what nurtures us…and the one thing that is certain in this Neptune-influenced Full Moon is that we all need a dedicated focus on self-care.

The Venus-Uranus Opposition- Abundant Inner Potential
In this set of Sabian Symbols, the themes are more inwardly focused.  There is still the energy of aspiring to be better...but it's more about better using what we already have.  Saturn adds some playful 'workhorse' energy with harmonious aspects to this opposition.  However, Chiron's square to Saturn and inconjunct to Venus-Vesta means we won't be able to ignore some spiritual 'heavy lifting'.

Venus in Libra 26- An Eagle and a Large White Dove Turning One into the Other

This is the degree Pluto was in when I was born…which is part of my own soul story of why phoenix-like transformations are so important to me.  Venus here, though, suggests that it is important to be firm yet kind in our interactions with others.  The Eagle represents a sure mind and a strong will while the Dove represents purity of heart and a reflection of peace.  The ability to integrate these two guiding energies within is being called for at this time.  You can look at it as the balance of yang and yin, a balance between left brain and right brain, a balance between mind and heart, or a balance between strong and soft.  However you see it, this is about using both as one for the best possible outcome.  So the polarities between the oppositions at this Full Moon are best activated by their similarities rather than their contrasts.  Vesta is also conjunct Venus right now, which provides an element of spiritual dedication and focus to this Venusian Alchemy. 

Uranus in Aries 26- A Person Possessed of More Gifts Than They Can Hold

While Venus highlights one of those gifts we can cultivate for our relationships, Uranus (the planet of Group Awakening) is presenting us with all of the abundance we possess at once, as individuals.  Such is the nature of the Aries-Libra axis…we can’t just focus on our relationships with others without also giving focus to our relationship with ourselves.  This is a frenzied energy, which makes us want to do it all…not wasting any of our gifts.  A better way to activate this energy is to align our heart and mind (the dove and the eagle) to focus on one thing at a time…otherwise we accomplish little and wear ourselves out in the process.  With many choices before us, where is the directional flow of your soul leading you?

Saturn in Sagittarius 25- A Chubby Boy on a Hobbyhorse

In harmonious aspects with Venus and Uranus is Saturn, the planet of Societal Structures and Rules.  In this symbol, the young boy is engaging in imaginative play…though it suggests a ‘practice makes perfect’ element.  What starts as a hobby we do for fun may well be the vehicle which brings us to a certain mastery later in life.  Since this combination of planets is highlighting our inner talents, this may be the time to really commit to one that we’ve always enjoyed but never really buckled down upon.  Hopefully, for those using this month to put your nose to the grindstone on writing that novel for National Novel Writing Month, you can tap into this energy and really develop something concrete from what it is you love to do.  Whatever your passion, Saturn is giving us a creative opportunity now to do the work it takes to manifest.

Chiron in Pisces 25- The Purging of the Priesthood

In harsh aspects to both Saturn and Venus, though, is Chiron (the Wounded Healer).  There must be a purification process in order to re-establish a successful transformation.  What’s been exacerbating the wounds we’ve been needing to heal?  This symbol is about overcoming corrupting influences and, with Chiron’s influence, getting back on the healing path.  It may be that the deceptions that Neptune is highlighting at this full moon are holding us back from really being able to activate our own gifts.  You may be afraid you’ll be opening Pandora’s Box if you finally address the root of the problem, but it is necessary to clean this wound thoroughly before the infection spreads further.  Whatever crisis you are dealing with personally, consider that it may actually bring a necessary element of catharsis.

It seems that while one set of energies may be making us feel a bit weary of the outer shows of our culture and how we fit into it, the other set of energies is inclining us toward all that lies within…our wounds and our gifts.  However you may celebrate this weekend, or not, I wish you well on making the best of these dynamic energies.

Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi

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