Thursday, March 22, 2018

Mercury Retrograde in Aries: The Importance of Being Purposeful

Mercury Retrograde in Aries:  The Importance of Being Purposeful
Retrograde pre-shadow begins on 3-8
Mercury Stations Retrograde on 3-22 @ 7:19pm CDT
Sun-Mercury conjunction on 4-1 @ 12:52pm CDT
Mercury Stations Direct on 4-15 @ 4:21am CDT
Retrograde post-shadow ends on 5-3

Mercury stationed today in the 17th degree of Aries, and has officially entered the realm of retrograde since 7:19pm CDT tonight…inclining the collective Mind to pause and consider what we’ve been thinking and communicating these past two weeks of the retrograde pre-shadow.  Thoughts may shift from ‘What do I need to be doing?’ to ‘Who am I being?’.  This is an inward shift…it sets us on a journey to recall important things we might have overlooked (or, perhaps, ignored while we were busy concentrating on what lessons from the Deep were resurfacing from Jupiter’s retrograde shift in Scorpio).  Planetary stations are like cosmic calls for meditative focus, and Mercury’s stations are so noticeable that there’s almost a comic timing to each ‘pregnant pause’.  Oh, you needed your computer to work flawlessly right now so you could go full-speed ahead on what you’re working on?  Mercury, in true Heyokah fashion, might interrupt your plans to shift your focus to something that needs your here-and-now attention.  Or…you are trying to schedule something with multiple people?  If it’s necessary at this time…please go ahead (don’t listen to those who warn about scheduling Mercury Retrograde appointments…avoiding interactions for three weeks is ridiculous).  But if it’s not the right timing, be prepared for things to not work out as planned or need a reschedule.  And really, check yourself when you get frustrated about that.  What’s that all about?  Do make time to notice what is shifting in your mind during these times.  There are important pieces of the puzzle that can be picked up in this time that lends itself well to revision, re-thinking, and rediscovery.  We’re all going through our own mental shifts at these times, so be gentle with yourself and others (okay, try your best).  Mercury in Aries can incline a bit…or a lot…of impatience during times of pause and delay, and communications can get snappish. 

I was born with Mercury (Direct) in Aries in the same degree as my Sun…so immediate self-expression and improvisational quick-thinking (and often thinking or communicating ahead of myself) is my baseline M.O.  On bad days, when stress is overwhelming, my communication can be impulsive (add Scorpio Moon emotional overwhelm to the mental stress mix, and my expression of that fire-water steam has the capacity to reach volcanic levels).  These are things I have had to learn to temper with love (Venus in Pisces) and peacekeeping action (Mars Retrograde in Libra).  I have learned, over many Mercury Retrogrades, to appreciate these stationary times of stillness and inward reflection.  If this Aries Woman can develop patience (imperfect as this patience is), anyone can.  Even if it’s the kind of patience that develops immediately after awareness of impatience…that’s often the case for me…being aware of how those thoughts manifest is a step in the right direction. 

We live in a world that is so often dominated by expressions of go-go-go and me-first, sometimes to the point of aggression.  This is not what Aries is really about, but every energy has its shadow expressions.  Aries is about those trust-your-gut instincts to protect, encourage, and inspire what is essential for our survival (not just for ourselves but for our whole world).  It is also about passionate and initiating energy.  These are some of the reasons why Aries is said to be ruled by Mars, the Warrior.  It’s important to recognize these times when our focus shifts away from that outward striving and takes us on a trip into an otherworldly mindscape. 

Also of importance is that if you happen to be between the ages of approximately 30-80…you are likely to experience this particular three weeks of Mercury Retrograde in Aries (and the shadow periods before and after) bringing up that undeniable ‘purpose’ within you:  that thing you must do because your soul is here for it and it will not be ignored or you will feel the distinct burn of mental chaos.  Yes, that’s Mercury travelling over your natal Eris in Aries.  Three hits of it coming into your awareness between March 8th and May 3rd, and you’ll have a better grasp on what that essential purpose is for you personally.  At least I hope so.  Eris energy is best welcomed as an honored guest.  Denying her an invitation never worked out so well in her mythic storyline.  While Eris (Discordia) is often well known for the chaos she instigates when scorned, there is much more to this Feminine archetype than meets the fearful, patriarchal eye that paints her as a hysterical Crazy Woman.  Sister to Ares (Mars), this Warrioress joined him in battle…not for the fight, but for the cause.  She represents pure purpose and operates with the protectivity of the Cosmic Order like a fierce Mama Bear.  Her Wild Woman power cannot be denied.

Venus, representing the Sacred Feminine, is currently in Aries…in her wise evening star phase within the larger cycle of Venus in Aries that began last spring and ends this autumn.  This means that the Sacred Feminine within us all has been learning through this Aries energy the powerful expressions of the Wild Woman, the Warrioress, and the passionately protective Creatrix during this cycle.  We have recently stripped down these archetypes to their essence and transformed them for our collective enlightenment into expressions that rebirth and reclaim that feminine fire.  Venus is approaching a conjunction with Eris now, which will be exact on March 25th…so Eris’s essence is intertwined with Venus’s expression during the first part of this Mercury Retrograde as well.  Get to know Eris and your own expression of her energy better in this cycle.  Learn the purpose and necessity of Chaos and how it reflects the purpose and necessity of Order.  In doing so, you’ll be faced with your own essential self and your soul purpose.  Much as we want to know it and activate it, we also fear it.  Perhaps this Mercury Retrograde is a good time to face it as well as embrace it. 

Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi

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