Friday, March 16, 2018

New Moon in Pisces: Healing the Wounds of the Passing Piscean Age

New Moon in Pisces:  Healing the Wounds of the Passing Piscean Age
Moon conjunct Sun @ 8:11am CDT on 3-17-18

It is raining here in Omaha as I am writing this…cleansing in the abundance of the water element now and softening the ground as spring approaches.  As a spring-born pluviophile, a good rain is an absolute blessing to me.  Let the Piscean waters flow!  This moon phase will build to fullness at the end of this month, when we will experience the second blue moon of our year.  So this phase is much like a continuation of the previous one that was full at the beginning of March…and we are at the beginning of the Sap Moon (named for the time when maple sap is flowing at the annual tapping of sugar maples).  At this New Moon, much is flowing out of us too…we are ‘tapping into’ the last degrees of the final sign of the zodiac (Pisces) through the luminaries and Chiron…feeling and healing are abundant if we tap into this energy. Chiron is conjunct this New Moon and has returned to the degree he stationed retrograde in last July…which means we are at the final lessons of the post-shadow of that previous retrograde period (that Chiron retrograde period was from 7-1 through 12-5 last year).  On March 28th, Chiron moves out of that retrograde post-shadow as he wraps up his teachings, for now, on Piscean healing.  Then, on April 17th, Chiron moves on into Aries.   So Chiron is integral medicine right now for us all, and continues to bring important lessons as we move into our Springtime in the Northern Hemisphere. 

As we are transitioning at this Turning of the Ages, Chiron has much to teach us about what is calling to be healed from the Piscean Age.  Chiron in Pisces shows us the wound of separation (from the Universe, from Spirit, from the Earth, from each other, etc) as a core wound that has been prevalent in our era. This wound expresses through us in many ways:  powerlessness, victimization, martyrdom, escapism (through drugs, alcohol, or other addictions), blaming and shaming, extreme duality, fear of opening to others, fear of being hurt or abandoned, lack of trust (in others or in a higher power), retreat into our shells,  extreme sensitivity (and often hiding it in unhealthy ways), avoidance of spiritual or higher mind subjects (or, conversely, getting lost there), or susceptibility to various forms of enslavement or brain-washing.  Looking back over the last 2000 years or more, we can see the wound of separation we’ve been trying to escape in these ways and more.  We’ve been on a long search for oneness, transcendent and omnipresent love, for the meaning behind so many seemingly senseless injustices we humans create.  How can we trust anything?  How can we feel connected when the world seems to be falling apart, often by our own collective undoing?  There is a paradox on this healing path that we must accept and embrace so that we can move forward…we can only regain trust by trusting and we can only feel love by loving.  It is through each experience…mystical or mundane, joyful or painful…that we return to wholeness, oneness, and unity.  We discover the gift within this wound when we are able to acknowledge the blessings within the crises and the fairness within the unfairness.  And if enough of us can collectively unwrap this gift for our world, a vast healing of ancestral karma can occur.

This is the larger picture of Chiron moving through Pisces for the past 7+ years (recalling lessons from the previous Chiron in Pisces cycle between 1962-1968).  Some of these lessons are being illuminated more specifically by our current Sun-Moon conjunction.  Looking to the degrees that are being highlighted now can give us a better understanding of the wisdom we need now on this healing path.

The Sun and Moon meet in Pisces 27.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “a harvest moon illumines a clear autumnal sky”.  And while autumn approaches in the Southern Hemisphere, this symbol (at first) may seem out of place in our Northern Hemisphere (as well as the reference to a full moon during a new moon).  But beyond the season, we have all just come out of a couple months where all planets were direct (which is almost like an ‘astrological summertime’ where activity heightens and we’re busy working our various ‘fields’, preparing for a harvest).  The energy was pushing us forward, even as winter was still upon us in the North, encouraging us to set things in motion.  So now, as Jupiter has been retrograde since March 8th and Mercury is about to station retrograde on the 22nd, we are beginning to reap what we have sown (or failed to cultivate) in that time.  This New Moon may bring blessings of fulfillment for work well done…or feelings of lack for not quite getting there before these energetic shifts (or both).  But either way, there is still work to do…and much of it is now about going inward to illuminate anything we may have overlooked as we were speeding along.

Chiron is now in Pisces 29, just a couple degrees ahead of our luminaries.  The Sabian Symbol here is “light breaking into many colors as it passes through a prism”.  This process is symbolic of our own process of differentiation we go through in life.  We are, before conceived, unified with source light.  We are brought to Earth through the womb of our mother (the prism), and then shaped through that process into our individual expression (a rainbow of different colors, expressing different angles of deviation).  We do not lose the source light, but we reflect it in many different ways.  Essentially, there is no real separation from the Universe…only one of human perception.  We go from unity to multi-unity…where we express our Divine Spark in a multitude of ways. This is the lesson Chiron is reiterating for us in the next couple weeks…on his second pass through this previous retrograde degree.  This is when it can really sink in and allow more of us to understand that the illusion of separation has been tearing us apart…but we are actually just varied expressions of the source light that unites us.  We really are all one.

So as the focus upon woundedness, healing, and the gifts within the wounds is potent right now…allow yourself the freedom to explore what arises.  Hiding from, or trying to escape, our wounds only prolongs the healing process we all must go through to come to wholeness.  Painful as it can be, depending on where you are in your path, such shifts of energy are present as opportunities to heal ourselves in whatever way we most need at this time.  And in healing ourselves, we are healing our world.

Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi

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