Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Full Moon / Partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn: Old Mistakes are Habits to Break

Full Moon / Partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn:
Old Mistakes are Habits to Break
Moon opposite Sun @ 4:38pm CDT on 7-16-19

We opened this Eclipse Portal two weeks ago with a call for laughter toward the illusion of separation...a very effective way to dispel the myths of that shadow.  However, there are some things even a Sacred Clown won't laugh at...and we were faced with many of them.  In the face of true tragedy, the Sacred Clown offers compassion and guidance toward renewal of spirit.  We may have experienced the sharing of laughter, or we may have experienced the sharing of tears.  For some, it was both of those medicines.  What has been most important is what we shared of this experience with others.  For some, it was life-changing.  As the Blessing Moon wanes, we continue this compassionate care (for ourselves and others) with a better understanding of the lessons in this time.  These lessons come to full circle at this Lunar Eclipse.

Moon in Capricorn 25 “A store filled with precious oriental rugs”

This Full Blessing Moon carries an eclipsed reflection on tradition and culture. The shadows of material comfort may loom heavy on the horizon. But there is a powerful magic beyond the appearance of our collective shadow. It is grounded wisdom, rooted in ancestral story-weaving, and connects us from Earth to Sky. There is a spiritual dimension to this connection, and one that we can integrate into community in the next 6 months through everyday efforts to provide comfort and understanding in the face of our fears.

This Partial Lunar Eclipse will bring up the shadow of power, and fears of powerlessness. We are already seeing the shadow theme within the eclipse cauldron playing out. It began, in the Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer, with feelings of separation. In our personal lives, many of us may have been feeling lost, isolated, stuck, or just generally uncomfortable during this Eclipse Season. Saturn and Pluto Retrograde at the Capricorn South Node is an enduring process of structural deterioration and renewal in our society as a response to our karmic past. Feeling defeated, but then having to prove otherwise, is part of the collective transfiguration of this time. These feelings have been exacerbated politically by scapegoating those in need of safety and comfort as ‘the other’ who will infringe upon safety and comfort, resulting in rampant xenophobia and racism. What have we been learning about pushing others away? Does it ever help?

This shadow theme carries through to now...when we face the shadow of power. Pluto Retrograde conjunct the Eclipsed Moon heightens the mob mentality and the dark underbelly of our society. Memories of cruelty from past eclipses in this series (Saros 139) have been resurfacing...from propaganda against ethnic groups to the aftermath of racial internment. Why do we humans, as a whole, never fully learn from our most haunting mistakes? 

Art by Susan Seddon Boulet
Many mistakes die with our Ancestors, the Descendants of which are then tasked to carry them onward and transform them with grace. Some of us never learn, as we continue to carry them and let them play out unconsciously through our beliefs and actions. Capricorn Wisdom right now (held by the current Council of Elders: Saturn Rx, Pluto Rx, and Moon...all at their Descending (South) Nodes) says we need to compost those old mistakes into renewal for our Earth. And more of us grow in grace as we feel the wisdom of this guidance. May we all release the grip of the shadows of this season and reveal the medicine within this Eclipse Cauldron we stirred together.

Sun in Cancer 25 “A willful man is overshadowed by a descent of superior power”.

Art by Cameron Gray
In this Eclipse of the Sun’s light reflected by the Moon, we will at first face the shadow within the willful hubris of human attempts at power and success. As our collective shadow falls away again, what is revealed is the blessing of something much greater than us that reminds us of our integral responsibility to care for our Earth. Destiny can be revealed in this light, something that is vital to the welfare of our world. Individually, we will need to peer into this light, through our own shadow, and find ourselves. In that, we find renewal of care and purpose to share this Eclipse medicine with those in need. Each of us has the potential to be a vessel for heart healing. The more of us who accept this, the more of us there are to heal our world.

Sun and Venus are at the Moon’s Ascending (North) Node in Cancer, bringing in the vitality of Love to face the Darkness. This is the medicine of actualizing our potential for Soul Growth. Individually, we have the opportunity to take in what nourishes us. Collectively, we have the opportunity to radiate the essence of Love in our world and heal those old mistakes.

'Birth of Love' by Vladimir Kush
Venusian themes in the compassionate waters of Cancer will be prevalent now as Venus disappears from our view into the rays of the Sun and approaches her own transformation from Morning Star to Evening Star. Following this Lunar Eclipse, Venus will make some very important aspects. Soon after, she will exact her opposition with Saturn Rx. This is an important vibration at this Full Moon that asks us to take responsibility for how we relate, and make a commitment to Love even through hardship. Then Venus conjuncts the North Node, activating the Soul’s Path. Next comes a trine to Neptune Rx where we can harmonize in compassionate, creative waters. Then Venus comes into opposition with Pluto, to accept transformation with grace...followed by her conjunction with Mercury Rx to respond with caring communication in new ways.

All of these post-eclipse Venus in Cancer lessons are with retrogrades. We are challenged to face our past with a loving perspective so that we may find the heart of the matter and embrace it. It isn’t easy, but necessary. This is the hidden blessing within this Blessing Moon. As we discover it for ourselves, may we help others to find it in the coming months.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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