Friday, August 30, 2019

New Moon Stellium in Virgo: Earth Medicine

New Moon Stellium in Virgo: Earth Medicine
Moon conjunct Sun- 8/30/19 @ 5:37am CDT

Harvest Moon begins with high vibrations of Virgo, bringing in the energy of the Priestess to tend the temple of Body and Earth. With such a concentration of this Earth Medicine, it is likely we’ll take a good look at things and see what is and isn’t working efficiently. Virgo gives our celestial bodies a discerning eye for detail and a dedication to doing what is necessary for the world. This same light shines on us through our Virgo Sun, and we put our power into practice.

The Virgo Stellium

Our Luminaries are joined by Mercury, Juno, Mars, and Venus into a Stellium (conjunction of multiple planets) in Virgo. So themes of communication and commitment in both masculine and feminine expression are integral to the seed that will grow through this Harvest Moon cycle.

Because Virgo energy loves a good list, here is a list of the Sabian Symbols of each energy:

Mercury-Juno in Virgo 3: “two guardian angels”
Moon-Sun in Virgo 7: “a harem”
Mars in Virgo 8: “a child takes a first dancing lesson”
Venus in Virgo 12: “after the wedding, the groom snatches the veil away from his bride”

Mercury and the asteroid Juno band together at this New Moon like invisible protectors to guide us and empower us with communication through the dark. Moon and Sun activate a degree associated with Feminine Mysteries kept sacred by a group working, and serving, together. Mars brings in the beginnings of a new level of physical training for our Masculine expression that will serve us well this cycle, and Venus brings in the element of unveiling our Feminine expression in a new light.

The Uranus Retrograde Trine

Uranus Rx in Taurus 7: “the woman of Samaria at the ancestral well”

The harmonious trine of Uranus to this Virgo Stellium can add an agreeable element of surprise and revelation to this New Moon. Trines are a subtle energy, so easy-going that we may not even notice the creative harmony floating around us. But if we become aware of it...such as a new version of an idea arising out of the blue that innovates what we’re trying to work on...we might catch a lucky break. This symbol relates to a story in the bible where Jesus trusts a woman who is far-removed from the old order to reveal who he is to her. This symbol is future-oriented and reveals a change coming. If we are open to it, as the Samaritan woman was, we may witness a glimpse into the creative future.

The Ceres-Hygeia T-Square

Ceres in Sagittarius 6: “a game of cricket”
Hygeia in Gemini 9: “a quiver filled with arrows”

Pressing in on the center of this Virgo Stellium is Ceres, the Nurturer, in opposition with Hygeia, the Purifier. Moon, Sun, and Mars are called to act as the apex of this T-Square pattern...where the tension of the opposition pools into necessary action. For many, health matters will be pressed. The struggle may be between a need to enjoy life in the moment and a need to prepare for what may be coming. The actions we take to alleviate this tension will need both...somehow we will need to find better ways of taking care of ourselves and preventing illness that we can actually enjoy. Many of the planetary energies suggest physical activity, such as playing sports or dancing. Even more than that, though, is the need for working together with others in healthier ways.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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