Thursday, September 12, 2019

Full Moon in Pisces: Dreaming into Being

Full Moon in Pisces: Dreaming into Being
Moon opposite Sun- 9/13/19 @ 11:32pm CDT

This is the Harvest season in our Northern Hemisphere, and Springtime in the South. The lead up to what we call the Harvest Moon here brings in a strong desire for necessary change. Of course, not everyone desires the same kind of change...and some desires are strongly opposed to others. On the grand scale, we’re still dealing with the same old oppositions...exacerbated now by an acceleration of long-running issues coming to call on humanity’s conscience.

If we’re listening to the balance between the luminaries right now, what we’ll hear is the Virgo-Pisces message of being in service to something greater than ourselves. It has been echoed by the Virgo Stellium’s opposition to Neptune this month...strengthened now as Virgo Mars exacts this opposition at the beginning of another Synodic Journey (“New Mars” initiated on September 2nd). We’re dreaming something into being, and the Virgo energy wants us to be lucid enough to guide the flow of that Neptunian dream to a healthy place for our planet.

Pluto, the planet of Group Alteration, assists us in transforming the dream through beneficial aspects to the luminaries. The Lunar Nodes help us tap into the opportunities to align with the collective soul path through a beneficial pattern with Mars-Neptune called a Mystic Rectangle. This pattern can often create an aperture for creativity or blessings to flow, especially if we put some effort into working with others for mutual benefit.

But it is the more dynamic aspects this month that have continually inclined us to push ourselves toward meaningful change. The planet of action (Mars), the energy within us that provides the impetus for change, is now in an active balance with the planet of extrasensory wisdom (Neptune), our mystic connection to the Higher Heart within. And both are channeling the hard work of this balance into dynamic squares with the planet of expansion (Jupiter), our inner Guru.

At this Full Moon, our Luminaries in conjunction with the Mars-Neptune opposition illuminate a key lesson in this balance that Jupiter is amplifying and Pluto is supporting: inspired action, beyond belief, is necessary for collective transformation.

And with Moon so close to her apogee (farthest from Earth in her orbit), we might feel a bit small, like we don’t have much impact. We might feel a bit distant from the crux of what brought our world to such turmoil, even if we know we are part of the problem. But, distant as she is, the Moon reminds us we are also part of the solution. Pisces Moon sings of oneness...and of fusing together all the disparate parts of the whole.

But how do we fix things? Not an uncommon question, these days, especially lately with so many planets in Virgo. We see disparate parts seemingly scattered in every direction we look. In the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, separation is a prevalent theme. But if we look closer...if we allow ourselves to peer beyond what we’ve learned of duality and right into the heart of what’s happening, we can catch a glimpse of the illusion that separation is. And it echoes something we often hear: We are all one. The question is...can we allow ourselves to move beyond the illusions we see enough to believe in unity?

One way you can see it is that a reflection of what’s happening on the outside is happening on the inside. On the individual level, we’ve all got our own version of this call for necessary change...some version of being out-of-alignment that makes it difficult to ignore within us. The scale of that change that is demanding attention within us may be a few relatively subtle tweaks to our individual business-as-usual lives...or, more likely, it may be something more drastic...even a total upheaval from what we’ve become used to. Just going through the motions to get by isn’t cutting it now. There’s an activation stirring in the collective, and a Full Moon in Pisces heightens our ability to pick up on these unseen vibrations.

Every one of us is in need of a change that will bring some re-alignment. Even every small change can have a big impact. Change absolutely has a ripple effect. So whatever it is for you that this Virgo Stellium has been calling for from you (and for some, Virgo might sound more like a nagging demand this month)...know that the intent behind the call serves a greater remedy. Because without each one of us operating at a more efficient level than where we have been...we won’t be well prepared for the greater changes to come.

Essentially, the Virgo-Pisces call for service is a symbiotic flow that reaches into the microcosms within our physical bodies and out into the collective macrocosms beyond our spheres of awareness. The vibration of these energies in alignment is a finely-tuned sound healing that can be heard over any din. Imagine the effect if more of us sung our most powerful note. Perhaps you’ve already noticed that Mother Nature holds this frequency.

'Drawing Down the Moon'
by Lobel Riche
How can we harvest the gifts that this Harvest Moon brings us now (or plant new beginnings in the Southern Hemisphere)? The Mother Moon is not as distant as she may seem. Moon is conjunct Neptune Retrograde on this Friday the 13th (a powerful day for Mama Luna)...and when Neptune is opposite Sun, this out-of-sight planet is closer to us than usual. So our Moon also reflects the closeness of what is unknown. This can show us that objects in the mirror (or goals in sight) are closer than they appear. It can also heighten our awareness of any illusions we’ve been under.

Gratitude for our earthly gifts, as well as sharing them with others, is an integral interaction with any Harvest. We can ‘draw down the Moon’ with that same Harvest Medicine. Thank her for the light she reflects through the lengthening nights here in the North. Invite her to illuminate you from within. Share her wisdom through your interaction with life on Earth. For some, it is a ritual we know well. For others, perhaps a more foreign concept. But it can be as subtle or as powerful as you need it to be.

You might ask this Full Moon, “How can I change as you do?”

Moon in Pisces 22
Sabian Symbol: ‘A prophet bringing down the new law from the mountain’

In drawing down the Moon’s wisdom for our world in need of change, it will take some effort from each of us. Some of us may have to go to a place that is far removed from what we know. Many of us carrying her light will face the challenge of integrating that message of unified change into humanity’s awareness through our own example. No matter how clear we each are with the piece of her wisdom we receive, there is always the potential for it to get lost in translation. So it is important to live it by example more than to simply proclaim it as truth.

Sun in Virgo 22
Sabian Symbol: ‘A royal coat of arms enriched with precious gems’

Hogwarts Coat of Arms
Motto:  "Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon"
A coat of arms is part of a system of hereditary symbols that dates back to early medieval Europe. Initially, such heraldry was to establish identity in battle. Later, arms evolved to denote family decent, alliance, ownership, and even profession. In modern day, even a company logo has elements of such symbolism. With the Sun here, this symbol speaks of carrying something of value from one’s ancestors or others who have passed on a certain legacy to you. What is illuminated here is a responsibility to live up to higher standards for ourselves and be an example of integrity for others, especially our next generations. Perhaps it’s your ancestors supporting you in being the best version of yourself, or perhaps it is your family or company that wants you to set a good example. Perhaps, for all of us, it is every being who ever lived before us raising our awareness of this crucial time we’re coming to in our lifetime. Whatever it is, there is a noble cause within each of us that is coming to light...and we are being encouraged to shine.

Both of these luminary symbols during this Full Moon hold these higher frequencies. However, there are some difficult energies involved that can muddle the meaning and incline people toward acting on exaggerated emotions, unhealthy belief systems, over-inflated egos, or overwhelming confusion. A growing to-do list might have your head swimming, feeling the weight of obligations. Forcing others to abide by unfair rules may overshadow the underlying need for a change. Self-importance may get in the way of leadership that serves the whole. We may see some socio-political issues get worse before they get better...because there has been a subtle opportunity opening for mutual benefit this week, but such things often get disregarded by those who are drunk with power.

But if we, leading up to the Full Moon, shift our perspective to that opportunity for shared benefit through internal transformation...we’ll be better able to receive the Harvest with gratitude. No matter the hemisphere you live in, abundance is coming. So where our attention goes is where that abundance flows. Better to pool your energy into something you actually want to amplify than on the illusions of separation that are running rampant lately.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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