Saturday, September 28, 2019

New Moon in Libra: Relating to and from the Healer Within

New Moon in Libra: Relating to and from the Healer Within
Moon conjunct Sun @ 1:26pm CST, 9/28/19

The opening of the Hunter’s Moon phase highlights the Libra lessons of reciprocity within relationships. It is a time of promoting peace between beings, especially as the worldwide Wild Hunt drums up ghosts of the past now and for years ahead. 

This brings us to our everyday interactions with others as points of initiation to restore harmony in the world. If the give-and-receive is far from equal in our partnerships, now is the time to focus your intent for the month ahead on creating more peace through relating. Adding some perspective to these Libra lessons is Chiron’s opposition to the luminaries from Aries.

Chiron in Aries has been in effect for about a year already, highlighting the ‘healer, heal thyself’ wisdom. Many who were born between 1969 and 1977, when Chiron was last in Aries, are navigating a full circle of healing their personal wounds of identity integrity and self-reliance. Others of us may feel less personally pressed, but are still influenced by the overall message of self-healing being sent by Chiron for the next several years. If you're curious about Chiron in Aries themes, especially if you are of that generation, you can learn more here: Chiron in Aries.

In this particular lunation, Chiron and the luminaries are highlighting the Aries-Libra axis of relating from self to other with reciprocal care. It does take constant effort to maintain some semblance of balance in relationships...but when the balance is off, that’s when we know something is needing to transform, often through a shift of perspective.

At this time, Pluto is stationing to shift into direct motion soon (October 3rd)...and this big shift tends to bring out themes of transformation in ways that cannot be denied. After all, you can transform Pluto’s astronomical status to that of a ‘dwarf planet’, but Pluto’s planetary power is no less palpable.  The U.S. has been feeling this in a big way as we move ever closer to our country’s Pluto Return. 

When Pluto stations, all manner of things that have been hidden can be unearthed and brought to a distinct focus. Deep-seated fears and shadows may arise to be dealt with in transformative ways. It’s all part of a process of releasing what no longer serves us as we head toward the Saturn-Pluto conjunction on January 12th next year...where things get REALLY real. Best to deal with what arises now than to put it all off for later.

'Emerging from Chrysalis' by Ramona Mitchell

In some cases, certain things, ideas, ways of being, or relationships may need to come to an end so that new beginnings can happen.  Guiding us to do just that is Saturn, meeting up again with the South Lunar Node this weekend (as he did previously on July 4th). Saturn conjunct the South Node gets serious about releasing past issues and committing to a sense of closure. This allows us to manifest future potentials if we do the hard work it entails. There’s a lot of what is no longer necessary that has piled up for us to sift through. Best to look at it through an objective lens and release some attachments to what isn’t working for the long haul.

New Moon opposite Chiron encourages the Healer within each of us to take on what is required of us. This is a time to honor that we’re all facing similar realizations and releases of fears and doubts.  And while we are each healing our personal wounds...we have to heal the collective wounds together.

Moon and Sun in Libra 6
Sabian Symbol: ‘A man watches his ideals take a concrete form before his inner vision’

'Skye Ravencloud's Vision' by Jesse Duke
In the unseen realms of this New Moon, we are each holding a visionary ideal that we want to translate from a mental visualization to a physical manifestation. As we gather our intent for the lunar cycle ahead, we must first visualize it with clarity and then bring it to being. Pluto puts things on hold for this shift of perspective, Saturn at South Lunar Node composts the karma of our past into solid foundations for our future, and Chiron teaches the wisdom of integrity throughout the alchemical process taking place now. And as the Light of the Hunter’s Moon waxes, we will see our visions take form in ways that sustain us and empower us through the months ahead. This month's key is:  the more we engage in harmony with others, the more resonant the song we’re singing into being becomes.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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