Saturday, July 04, 2020

Full Moon in Capricorn / Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: Withstanding the Test of Time

'The Old Tower at Dusk' by Vincent van Gogh

Full Moon in Capricorn / Penumbral Lunar Eclipse:  Withstanding the Test of Time
Moon opposite Sun- 7/4/20 @ 11:44pm CDT 

This Blessing Moon is the final eclipse in this triple-eclipse season.  All the ingredients are within the cauldron now…all the lessons that will play out over the next 6 months, all the shadows we’ll face, all the medicine we’ll need.  As we close this lunar cycle, we stir and bless the contents before we collect it for the coming months.

The Full Moon in the Cardinal Earth sign of Capricorn unearths essential and foundational wisdom that endures beyond our modern perspectives.  The Sabian Symbol for this 14th degree of Capricorn is ‘an ancient bas-relief carved in granite remains a witness to a long-forgotten culture’.  As the penumbral shadow of our Earth so subtly touches this Full Moon, we are asked ‘are we creating anything from our generation’s experience that will provide something substantial for generations to come?’

Personally, in this time, both shadows and wisdom from our own past will seep into our memory, as if some stone-carved relic we’d buried long ago has been re-discovered.  Because this Saros Series 149 of Eclipses is just in its beginning stages, it may bring up memories from the first two eclipses of this series (1984 and 2002).  For our own life cycles, this is past that is relatively long ago.  For our world, these lessons are fairly new.

Saros Series 149:  Our Genetic Memory

In the first subtle beginnings of this eclipse series, we were in that Orwellian time of 1984.  And though Apple MacIntosh advertised their first computer in one of the most memorable Super Bowl commercials, drawing upon Orwellian themes and saying “you’ll see why 1984 won’t be like ‘1984’”…there were still elements of that book that surfaced that year.  This is the year that Genetic Profiling was first used forensically.  By the next eclipse of this series, in 2002, racial DNA profiling was coming into use…albeit amidst debate.  Now, in 2020, we are seeing all this and more being abused for methods of control and surveillance.  In China, for example, they are using U.S. made tests to collect the DNA of tens of millions of men and boys throughout their country to grow their surveillance capabilities.  Not exactly the ‘Thought Police’ as in Orwell’s book, but an easy way to track ‘dissidents’ and harass their families (among other things).  So it seems the tracking of DNA is part of the shadow of Saros Series 149.  Penumbral as it is, this shadow will develop over many centuries…so it is our future generations (2489 – 2781 CE) that will experience the totality of its effects.
Our DNA brings us back to that symbol of the ‘bas-relief carved in granite’…it is something that is relatively ‘carved in stone’ about who we are and where we come from.  It links us to our ancestors and our descendants.  And yet, some of it can be activated by various choices we make or even by events outside of our control.  And while viruses like Covid19 can wipe out a significant portion of the world’s population…viruses also become an essential part of our genetic makeup, which we pass on to our next generations.  In some cases, viruses provide raw material for our evolution.  For example, syncytin, a gene that’s essential for creating placenta, came from a virus.  Of course, there’s no telling what traits the survivors of this pandemic will pass on to their descendants…we only know that it will happen.

Sun conjunct Vesta

Art by Pamela Matthews
While Moon is in Capricorn with the recently re-assembled Capricorn Council (Saturn Rx just re-entered Capricorn on July 1st after a brief visit in the first degrees of Aquarius, joining with Jupiter Rx and Pluto Rx still in this sign), Sun is in the Cardinal Water sign of Cancer.  In the same degree (Cancer 14), is Vesta…the asteroid named after the Goddess of Home and Hearth, Priestess of the Sacred Flame.  Vesta’s vibration has much to do with focus (which comes from the Latin word for ‘hearth’), devotion, and dedication to Sacred Work.  Where Vesta was when we were born indicates what we are devoted to doing, often for the benefit of the whole.  In Cancer, Vesta is focused upon the emotional bonds and protection of home and family.  So for our collective at this time, that is where our Sacred Work is.  Sun joining with Vesta illuminates this devotion strongly and provides fuel for that Sacred Fire.

The Sabian Symbol for Cancer 14 is ‘a very old man facing a vast dark space to the Northeast’.  So the focus (Vesta) of our conscious awareness (Sun) is directed toward the Northeast.  What are the symbolic implications of that direction?  According to Dane Rudhyar, ‘In occult terminology, the northeast is the direction from which spiritual-cosmic forces enter the Earth-sphere…the True North…because the polar axis of Earth is inclined by some 23 degrees away from the exact perpendicular of its orbit.’  Northeast in many spiritual traditions relates to that time in between Winter and Spring in our seasonal cycles…between death and rebirth…the great Void which holds us in her womb.  The winds of this time are cold and harsh…and if one has the ability to face these winds (like the Buffalo with its head into the storm), they have learned patience and endurance.  Therefore, this direction indicates the trials we must endure before the dawn (East) of rebirth. 

So as we focus our devotion and care in the area of Home and Family (which extends, in the broader scope, to our nations), facing the darkness of the unknown (like, for example, the implications of returning our kids back to school in the near future during a pandemic)…this Blessing Moon asks us to consider what is wise and will help us withstand the test of time.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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