Sunday, July 12, 2020

Mercury in Cancer, Part Three: The Direct Station, Epilogue, and Release

'Speaking from the Heart' by Isabel Emrich

Mercury in Cancer
May 28 – August 4

Part 3 – The Direct Station, the Epilogue, and the Release (July 12 – August 4)

Mercury’s direct station begins the epilogue portion of this extended lesson in communication through this cardinal water sign.   Cancer communicates the Tribal Heart and what is closest to our roots.  Our thoughts, ideas, and words during this journey have been largely focused on discovering the connections between memory, emotional bonds, and the instinct to protect and care for our tribe. 

In a year where much has been drawing us closer to home, this long journey of Mercury through Cancer has been helping us to better understand the kind of care that is needed now.  Of course, there’s been plenty of what we often call ‘stir-craziness’ this year.  On one hand, the focus has been at home…and on the other, where the Capricorn planets urge us to contribute with a farther reach, we’ve also been feeling the call to get to work.  And since Mars has entered Aries (June 27th), there’s an additional urge to strike out on our own combined with Chiron Rx in Aries guiding us toward self-care. 

But right now, the Collective Mind is most concerned with family matters (which extends to a larger sense of family such as neighborhood and nation).  How do we care for those closest to us?  In a time where my own national family (the United States) is still dealing with the rising challenge of this pandemic…the whole country is still trying to balance our reasons (Mercury) with our needs (Cancer).  We still have much to learn, and now Mercury guides us all through integrating what we have just re-learned. 

Below, I have included the vibrational flow of this part of Mercury’s voyage through watery Cancer.  Because Cancer is ruled by the Moon, she is guiding the flow of these lessons.  So I have also included her interactions with Mercury.  Moon moves quickly through the signs, so each Moon-Mercury aspect is like a momentary mood that passes through on the day that is listed.  However, momentary as those aspects are, these moods are key to Mercury’s journey through this sign.

7/12:  Mercury stations Direct- Mercury pauses to shift back into direct motion on this day, focusing on the medicine within this 6th degree of Cancer.  The Sabian Symbol here is ‘game birds feathering their nests’.  It’s a very Cancerian degree to begin with…evoking feelings of home, family, and the preparatory protections that this water sign is known for.  In all the tumult going on at the beginning of June, when Mercury first entered this degree and began the Prologue portion of this journey, we were bound to miss some of the lessons inherent in this degree.  Now we return to them and give them a much more concentrated focus…shifting our perspective again toward what we can do to provide a better environment for new beginnings to grow.

7/13:  Moon-Mercury closing sextile- Still in this same degree of Cancer, Mercury is blessed by his current guide, Lady Luna, as he shares his message with her.  The exalted Moon in Taurus provides some harmonious illumination to what the Collective Mind has been brooding about.  As we shift back into this direct perspective of Mercury in Cancer, allow your emotions to wash over you and flow through your body.  There is a subtle opportunity here to fully tap into the message of this time and share the wisdom of it.

7/18:  Moon-Mercury conjunction- During the last conjunction of Moon and Mercury in Cancer (6/22), the focus was on our memories that were emotionally connected to abundance.  Now, in this 8th degree of Cancer, the lunar lesson has shifted toward mirroring the guidance of others who have shown us the way to protect and care for those we love.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree of Cancer is ‘rabbits dressed in clothes on parade’.  If we take the symbol literally, it may seem very silly.  However, the symbol refers to modeling after those who have shown a certain code of conduct that has brought them into alignment.  For many of us still dealing with the worst of this Covid crisis, we might do well to imitate the countries who have shown the way to handle this mess we’re in, for one thing.  And on a personal level, there may be a guide who has been through what you are going through now…what wisdom is their past experience offering for your present?

7/21:  Mercury square Chiron Rx (part 3 of 3)- There is another clash between the Messenger and the Wounded Healer here…one that we first encountered on June 5th and returned to on July 1st.  This time, we may understand more of it…and perhaps how to better address it.  Squares are dynamic aspects that can’t be ignored…and this may come across as thoughts or words that exacerbate the wound.  As before, the necessary action that this square means to inspire is greater awareness of how we can communicate healing rather than more wounding. This is the time to integrate the idea inspired in those previous squares and put it into action.

7/22:  Mercury sextile Uranus (part 3 of 3)-  All sextiles provide a good rapport between planets that can lead to harmonious opportunities.  However, sextiles are subtle…and we actually have to respond to that subtle opening to reap the benefits.  Our first chance was on June 5th, when Mercury was in direct motion.  Then again, we had a similar opening through Mercury’s retrograde perspective on June 30th.  Did we catch that glimpse then of what we’re returning to now?  A new idea, an unusual perspective we hadn’t considered, or maybe even a slight shock that provided a peek into what is usually unseen?  If you missed it then, it’s coming up now in a ‘third times a charm’ way.  Perhaps now that you’ve had some experience with what this sextile has to offer, you’ll have a greater chance of homing in on it.  And with Uranus in this sextile, it still might surprise you.  As before, be open to the weird. 

7/23:  Moon-Mercury opening sextile- Virgo Moon provides an opportunity to clean up something that has been clouding the mind.  Moon and Mercury are in mutual reception (Moon in Mercury’s sign, Mercury in Moon’s sign), so there is a solid understanding between the mental functions of feeling and reasoning.  Make use of this good rapport by getting your thoughts, and priorities, in order.

7/25:  Moon-Mercury opening square- Libra Moon may have us feeling wide open to the emotional states of others…while Mercury in Cancer already has us wrapped up in our own private and personal feelings.  This mood of the day is one of frustration, as these two combine with Mars in Aries to create a pattern called a ‘T-Square’ that pools some stress into Mercury’s mental functions at the apex.  This dynamic can create an increased need to take action in response to the stress…so be mindful of your own ways of communicating how you feel, and try not to take it too personally what others might say.  The initial instinct will be, of course, to take it personally.  Acknowledge where and why it hurts…but don’t cling so tightly to it that it causes you to react from that hurt.  We’re almost past the Epilogue part of this journey where we are integrating the mental medicine of Mercury’s previous retrograde.  This is one last dynamic to test how well we’re able to fully integrate those lessons through a challenge.

7/26:  Mercury Release from Epilogue, conjunct Sirius- On June 18th, Mercury stationed retrograde in this 15th degree of Cancer…and now, after all of our backtracking, we return again to this degree and this conjunction with Sirius.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is ‘in a sumptuous dining hall, guests relax after partaking of a huge banquet’.  Conjunct Sirius (the ‘Spiritual Sun’), the lesson here is about spiritual abundance.  We were not quite ready to fully integrate this lesson in June…we had more to learn and re-experience first so that we could come to this point with some revised ideas.  Abundance has so often been considered a concept that splits the whole of the human family apart into ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’.  Overindulgence and greed, which are choices so often applied in the reception of abundance, are what furthers such a divide…but abundance itself is not the problem.  Truly, abundance is meant to be generously shared…creating not a lack but even more instances of abundance.  This is not a concept we have been collectively, or even largely, in agreement about.  So what have we learned from what we have recovered over the last several weeks?  We  return to this degree now to integrate the true wisdom of abundance, satiety, and satisfaction so that we may move forward into new lessons.

7/27:  Mercury square Mars (part 2 of 2)- We first experienced this square on July 8th, while Mercury was retrograde.  Now we return to it with both planets direct and ready to push the necessary action forward and outward.  This dynamic feels like a clash between what we are thinking and feeling and what we desire.  Mars is strong in his own sign of Aries…there is a lot of force here pushing us to move ahead and cut all ties with that which has been holding us back.  Keep in mind that Mars will eventually go retrograde in this fire sign later…so Mars will be returning to this degree in November with a different, more focused, perspective.  However, squares with Mars are often the most difficult to slow down in to focus…so right now, it will feel more like ‘go, go, go!’.  Squares are much like Mars energy, making that desire to take action that much stronger.  Just try to be careful with your words and what you are communicating outwardly…otherwise the frustration of this energy may have you saying things you’ll regret later.

7/28:  Moon-Mercury opening trine- This flowing trine combines with Neptune Rx and Jupiter Rx on this day to form a pattern called a ‘kite’.  All the harmonious flow of Moon, Mercury, and Neptune Rx in the three water signs has an anchor from Jupiter Rx in earthy Capricorn…allowing us to manifest the creativity and ease of all those watery feelings (in good vibration) into something tangible. 

7/30:  Mercury opposite Jupiter Rx, trine Neptune Rx- There is an inclination toward big ideas under this opposition, yet the details may be a bit fuzzy with the Neptune trine.  ‘It takes a village’ may be a significant part of this combination of planets…where optimistic ideals may need a bit of help from interactions with others to make the dream work.  There will be a lot to talk about, and Neptune will likely bring it to a creative and imaginative place.  Overall, this combination can be very inspiring…even uplifting.  Best to take in some constructive advice from others though, because not all of these creative ideas floating about are going to land.  Those that do, though, can be very beneficial.

8/1:  Mercury opposite Pluto Rx- This opposition can aid the Collective Mind with a deep and penetrating focus.  However, some ideas may need to die first…or, more specifically, go through a process of transformation.  In this vibration, we are not content to just study the surface level of what is being communicated.  We are more apt to want to find the deeper meanings…and for that, we may have to uncover some darker truths behind the surface.

8/2:  Moon-Mercury opposition- The mood of the day is tense as we try once again to find some balance between objective (Capricorn Moon) and subjective (Cancer Mercury) viewpoints. The key to this vibration is reflection. 

8/3:  Mercury opposite Saturn Rx- Ah, I was born with this aspect (though in the other cardinal signs, Aries and Libra).  In general, there is an inclination toward wisdom as well as depression.  It may be difficult to communicate your knowledge in an understandable way.  From personal experience, taking the time to write it out helps a great deal…allowing for more time to construct what it is you are wanting to say.  Heavy thoughts may hang over the Collective Mind like thick cloud cover under this influence…as there is a big dose of reality to take in and consider.  However, there is a lot of wisdom to be gained from such a reality check.  Responsibility (Response-ability, as I like to look at it) will be on your mind.  Try your best not to succumb to the feelings of ‘I can’t’.  Saturn does tend to put a halt to things…but this, too, shall pass.

8/4:  Mercury enters Leo

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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