Saturday, August 21, 2021

Blue Moon in Aquarius: The Stirrings of Sedna


'Sedna' by Antony Galbraith

Blue Moon in Aquarius:  The Stirrings of Sedna

Moon opposite Sun- 8/22/21 @ 7:01am CDT


“My Grandmother told us a long time ago that the seasons as we know them will not be anymore.  I wonder how these old people who never went to school and never left their land knew these things, which are happening right now in front of our eyes.  As I get older, the significance of the stories and teachings of my elders becomes clear.  They say that in our land – the land of the Big Ice – that the Big Ice will melt and that at its place the most beautiful flower will blossom.”

-Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq,  Kalaallit Shaman from Greenland


This Full Moon is perhaps the most significant of the year, stirring up second chances through unusual happenings on Earth.  Not only is this an Astrological Blue Moon (2nd Full Moon in the sign of Aquarius), it is also a Seasonal Blue Moon (3rd of 4 Full Moons between Solstice and Equinox).  And on top of this double-dose of Blue Moon energy, the luminaries are in a T-square pattern with Sedna at the apex (stressed by the tension in the opposition). 

Art by Genevieve Cseh

Some may not be too familiar with Sedna, a trans-Neptunian dwarf planet discovered in 2003.  This planet is named after the Inuit Goddess of the Ocean…Mother of the Sea Creatures and provider of sustenance and resources for those who live in the treeless, frozen artic.  At the farthest extreme of Sedna’s orbit, she is the most distant of all dwarf planets.  Yet, in 2076, she will be the closest to Earth that she can be in her distant orbit.  Last time Sedna was closest to Earth was the end of the last Ice Age and the beginning of agriculture. 

And what are we learning now of the importance of Earth’s frozen lands, the oceans, and the relationship between humankind and our global environment?  It just recently rained for the first time on record at Greenland’s ice sheet summit, which has been melting at an alarming rate and causing a dramatic rise in sea levels.  This is an unprecedented (‘once in a Blue Moon’) event, though it is also interconnected to the many events that have escalated over the years to this season being the hottest on record for the Northern Hemisphere.  Greenland has recently banned all new oil exploration.  The government cites the escalating climate emergency and concern for the fragile arctic environment as reasons for this decision.

Now, with this knowledge, let’s move back to the mythic storyline of Sedna.  There is much more to her story, but there is a key part of it that seems to be highlighted in these recent events in Greenland (and the T-Square pattern).  Sedna provides sustainability for the arctic people…and the arctic provides sustainability for our whole planet.  And now, as we continue to see undeniable and escalating instability in this region…we humans are tasked with how to remedy this to ensure that our future generations even have a future.  In her story, when the great Ocean Goddess provider became angry with humanity’s greedy consumption and destruction of the planet, she would withhold her gifts from them.  In her rage, her long hair would become tangled…and the shamanic healer of the tribe would journey to the bottom of the ocean to comb out her tangled hair to soothe her.  This part of the story illustrates the importance of caring for our life-giving waters, and the necessity for a sacred bond between humans and the Earth.

'Extensions' by Jeanne Simmons

And though Sedna was once only known as a local Goddess to the Inuit people, she has rapidly risen to a global goddess of great importance.  The necessity that arises from Sedna at the apex of this Blue Moon T-square is that human beings must come together to ‘comb out Sedna’s tangled hair’ in some meaningful, respectful, and dedicated way.  And the emphasis on Aquarius during this season suggests that this journey is more impactful if we align our focus to this common goal, rather than focusing on ourselves and the human-made rifts we keep creating between us.  

And though it may all seem very daunting as we wrap our heads (and hopefully our hearts) around what is happening and what we can do…this Full Moon conjunct Jupiter Retrograde and ruled by Saturn Retrograde (all three in Aquarius) suggests that a ‘Cosmic Clean-Up Crew’ is supporting such efforts.

Jupiter’s conjunction to this Moon amplifies the benefits of expansive, progressive, and community-minded endeavors.  And Saturn’s rulership of this conjunction demands sustainable commitment.  There is also support from Saturn’s trine with Venus in Libra and their harmonious relationship with the lunar nodes.  This kite pattern suggests that the commitments (Saturn) we make are best done in a spirit reciprocity and balanced relationship (Venus in Libra).  Essentially, there is opportunity for harmony in these collective efforts, but we will need to engage on a soul level (lunar nodes). 

It is clear that Sedna’s imperative at this time echoes what Naalakkersuisut (Greenland’s government) has stated, ‘The future belongs to renewable energy’.


Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi


 P.S.  Because this is the Blue Corn Moon where I live...this song from my childhood seemed appropriate.

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