Sunday, September 05, 2021

New Moon in Virgo: Re-orientation to Systemic Renovation


Art by Julie Heffernan

New Moon in Virgo:  Re-orientation to Systemic Renovation

Moon conjunct Sun- 9/6/21 @ 7:51pm CDT


While 2020 was a year marked by endings and beginnings, 2021 has been marked by our responses to those changes.  With 3 squares of Saturn and Uranus throughout this year (exact in February, June, and another one to come in December), the clash between how things have been and how we must change our trajectory for the future is the defining dissonance of our times. 

Now, with 7 degrees of separation between the last Saturn-Uranus square, this New Moon is aspecting those planets in ways that highlight adaptability to change.  The New Moon is in a flowing trine to Uranus, amplifying more ease in the ways we are changing with the changes.  Maybe we are so used to the unexpected by now that, instead of remaining in long periods of shock, we’re finding better ways to ground and re-orient ourselves to respond. 

The New Moon is also in a bi-quintile with Saturn.  This 5th Harmonic connection is one of resourcefulness…where the New Moon seed of this cycle is blessed with an ability to tap into the hard knocks of Retrograde Saturn’s re-structuring and create something useful. 

There is a lot of creative ingenuity being seeded at this time…and we’re going to need it as this lunar cycle progresses.  You might be feeling it as a very Virgo call to re-organize some area of your life.  With so many outer planets retrograde at this time (and Mercury just entering the degrees where it will retrograde in Libra from 9/27 to 10/18), the Cosmic Clean-Up Crew is in full effect.  The ‘Structural Innovations’ that define the Saturn-Uranus squares of this year are now focused more under the surface of what is changing.  In light of these retrogrades, ‘Systemic Renovation’ is key right now. 

Supporting these efforts, Libra Mercury (the ruler of this Virgo New Moon) is in a harmonious Grand Air Trine with Saturn Retrograde (Aquarius) and Ceres (Gemini).  This combination amplifies the benefits of communicating (Mercury) what needs work (Saturn) and what needs to be nurtured (Ceres).  And the opposition between Aries Chiron and Libra Mercury anchors all that air energy into some thoughtful healing between Self (Aries) and Other (Libra). 


Moon and Sun in Virgo 15

Sabian Symbol- ‘an ornamental handkerchief’


Imagine a family heirloom with a rich history…in this case, a handkerchief passed hand-to-hand down a lineage of ancestors.  The delicate beauty of antique lace has been preserved through the care of a family who grew to know the meaning it held. 

Such an item might seem a bit far-removed from our modern sense of Virgo efficiency.  What real use do we have for an ornamental handkerchief these days?  Such a thing might just be kept in a box or, at best, used as decoration in the home.  But there was a time when handkerchiefs were a multi-purpose item to carry.  They were used for cleaning hands, face, teeth, and wiping away sweat or tears.  And the more delicate, ornamental variety was used to apply perfume, greet someone, and even to signal to a gentleman that you would like to meet with him or given to him as a token of affection. 

Consider the stories this heirloom carries, like a faint but long-kept scent of memories.  Perhaps a daughter received it from her mother on her deathbed.  Perhaps that daughter tied it to the sacred tree at a clootie well when she wanted to speak with her mother each year after.  Perhaps the handkerchief has traveled overseas and through many lands to be in your hands now.  

Whatever wisdom you hold, passed down through your ancestors, has gone through many adaptations over time.  Yet it preserves an everlasting truth:  there is necessity for meaningful connection between Earthly beings. 


Such connections are mirrored in our Living Sky.  Not only do the celestial bodies connect with each other in their ongoing dance…but we on Earth feel those vibrations and respond to them too.  Ages of meaning have been preserved within the Astrology of our connection between Earth and Sky, and yet the stories are adapted for our time.  New Moon in Virgo asks that the heirloom knowledge contained in this cycle seed be used to sustain us through the necessary changes of this year. 


Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi

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