Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Full Moon in Libra: Sacral Shapeshifting

Full Moon in Libra:  Sacral Shapeshifting

Sun opposite Moon at 1:06am CDT, 4-11-2017

The Rain Moon is full, and it’s my 35th birthday (well it was when I started writing this)!  Despite (or maybe even because of) all the rests and refrains of the retrogrades and the key changes of the squares in the Music of the Spheres above, I am really feeling the transformative energy of this time in an empowering way.  My Solar Return was exact Monday night at 7:13pm CDT, and the Sun is still in the same degree of Aries 22…where Sun and Mercury were in on this day in 1982…as the two luminaries meet in opposition after midnight. 

The Sabian Symbol for Aries 22 is “gate to the garden of desire” and has much to do with cosmic optimism (yes, fitting for my Sun and Mercury…my fuel and my communication).  Other astrologers may view the many square aspects between planets at this time as potential for painful experiences…trudging through the past with all the current retrogrades.  I don’t deny that possibility…it is likely.  But it’s not where I dwell.  I’m here in the bliss garden, blessing every transformation as well as every weed for the medicine it carries.  It’s the solar fuel of the season in which I was born, the mercurial mindscape where I envision the blossoming of thoughtseeds, and my whimsical way of communicating that works in tandem to express my own truth.  It’s a very creative and fertile garden.  It is my past, my present, and my future.

Conjunct the Sun at this Full Moon is Uranus in Aries 25.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “a double promise is revealing”.  It is likely that there will be some surprising revelations in this cosmic climate.  Uranus, the Great Awakener, holds the frequency of the Visionary archetype here.

Opposite to this solar energy is the Mother Moon…full, reflective, and radiant…in Libra 22.  The Sabian Symbol of this degree is “a child giving birds a drink at a fountain”.  This is an exchange of Ayni (the symbiotic balance of give and receive in right relationship).  It comes from a place of pure feeling…of innocence connecting at the spirit level between beings.  Life force is replenished to the birds through the water they receive, and delight fills the child who interacts with them.  Each is giving and receiving love and gratitude as they come in harmony with each other. 

Conjunct the Moon is Jupiter Retrograde in Libra 18.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “two men placed under arrest”.  Jupiter is a societal planet (along with Saturn, they are midway between the personal and generational or trans-personal planets) who teaches in expansive ways about social orders and laws, along with higher mind pursuits.  In retrograde, that energy goes inward for us and reaches back into our past to learn necessary lessons about our society and our place in it.  There is an energy here of accepting the consequences of our past actions.  And righting the relationship between ourselves and the patriarchy in which we currently live.  These old structures of society are falling away as our own past is calling for release.  But we are caught up in it now, and now is the time for awareness of the last grasps to cling to those old paradigms…within and without.  In order to step into that place of right relationship with the world around us, we need to focus within first.  The transformative lessons we learn within radiate outward as medicine to reform the world around us.  First, we surrender our own outmoded past…then we may release our future.

Squaring these four opposed celestial bodies is Pluto, The Great Transformer, in Capricorn 20.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “a hidden choir singing”.  Pluto is at the apex of this Full Moon T-Square, and where the energy of the luminaries, along with Jupiter and Uranus, is being directed.  In many great cathedrals, the choir is hidden behind the altar or above the nave.  It is symbolic of the connection with heaven and the music of the spheres.  Even when we can’t see where the music is coming from that guides us to unity of above and below…we can hear it and, especially, feel it.  Pluto in this degree helps us to transform from the personal, ego state and into trans-personal harmony…connecting together with voice and breath…in order to find unity and resolution.  Mars in Taurus 23 provides a creative outlet (trine aspect to Pluto) for any stress that may arise from this T-square.  The Sabian Symbol here is “a jewelry shop”…which invites us to protect and preserve our values and our gifts while allowing them to radiate their medicine out into the world.  The outlet of a trine must be activated…because harmonious as it is, it’s opportunities often go ignored amongst so many other pressing energies.  So if you feel the stress of the squares, do something creative that activates your inner gifts.

Linked through a harmonious sextile to Mars is another high-powered conjunction between Chiron and Venus Retrograde in the 27th and 28th degrees of Pisces.  Both Sabian Symbols for these degrees have lunar imagery:  “a harvest moon” and “a fertile garden under the full moon”.  Chiron (the wounded healer) in the harvest moon degree brings opportunities for shining a light into our deepest wounds and finding the bountiful gifts within.  We do this by reaping what we have sown, cultivated, and also what we have not taken care of in our past.  Venus Retrograde in the fertile garden degree illuminates absolute unconditional love and the gifts it can bring when focused within.  The message here is that you already have everything you need.  This healing conjunction, though, is in a tight square with Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius 28.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “an old bridge over a beautiful stream”.  This image shows the ways that the creative ingenuity of humans can work harmoniously with our natural environments.  The square energy between this and the Pisces degrees may make the best of this energy difficult to see…we may see more of the ways where humankind is infringing upon these healthy and natural exchanges…paving over them, laying pipe under them, or endangering them in other ways.  Saturn is retrograde here to revise some of what has been rather carelessly disregarded.  The retrograde energy also brings it within to focus on conservation and balance…restoring old bridges that will carry us into our future.

So with all of these squares and retrogrades, as well as a focus of energy on Pluto…there is likely to be some shadow work to be done.  Shadows often surface when the past comes to call.  My primary power animal, Jaguar, is my totem helper who stalks the shadows and integrates them in ways that shift them into medicine.  Jaguar is important to the Q’ero people of the Peruvian Andes as well.  Though I have known Jaguar for many years, a recent initiation into the ways of the Q’ero paqos has provided me new information and an even stronger connection to Otorongo (the name for Jaguar in the Quechua language).  

At the New Moon, and throughout her waxing phase, I was integrating the Serpent archetype awakened in my root chakra.  At this Full Moon, and throughout the waning phase, I will be integrating Jaguar into my sacral chakra…welcoming her to shift down from my solar plexus into new territory.  She has helped me, in the past several years, to balance out my power center…but she is needed now in my center of creativity.  There is still some ‘psychic sludge’ in my womb from past trauma.  Jaguar, in her hunt, shows me how to integrate the shadows and discover the gifts within those wounds.  She heals through sudden transformation.

by Felina Lune Kavi (August 2011)

Into the golden eyes of the jungle cat…
The Seer sees within the shadows,
Stalking through the tangled jungle
Of the human mind.
On the hunt for our fears of freedom,
Jaguar peers into the darkness,
Pounces upon the prey of promise,
And feeds the Spirit.
Moonlit eyes arise in gratitude,
For the stars hold worlds of verity
When the power within connects
To our symbolic sight.
Visions integrate a path of integrity
Between the Blue Road of Spirit
And the Red Road of Physical Life…
A harmonious bridge.
Jaguar leads through lessons of Self…
Respect, discipline and actualization.
Short-cuts through the Ego’s Jungle
To the center of the Soul.

Now, six years after I wrote that of Jaguar, I am invoking Jaguar again to share her medicine through me.  Serpent brought forth a monologue last month…but there is a story to tell here in my Sacral Chakra, and more characters to introduce.

Otorongo and the Garden Priestess

Serpent meets Jaguar at the Garden Gate under the Full Rain Moon.  “This is the fertile and abundant garden of innocence where, together, we create the future for our next seven generations.  Walk softly on those paws through this gate, Otorongo, my sister.  This is the belly of Pachamama.  She feels us as we can feel Her.”

“I may not glide as you do, Sach’amama, but I am a stalker of shadows and must sneak up on them to pounce.  I will not disturb Her garden; I will only protect it.”  Jaguar affirms as she peers within the opened gate. 

“Let yourself be known at this Gate of Creativity.”  Serpent says to Jaguar.  “Then enter with love to do your work.”

“I am Otorongo…Mother Sister Jaguar.  I am a fearless protector of Pachamama and a Seer in the Dark.  Shapeshifting in silence, I creep up on shadows by becoming one myself.  I become what they need to be recognized and honored as.  I peer into the pain and see the gift within it.  Then I pounce upon it and deliver it to Pachamama as a seed for her transformation. This is the medicine I share with those who honor Mother Earth.” 

The Gardener approaches the gate, wearing white.  “I hear you, Otorongo.  I see you and know you well.  I appreciate your medicine.  You are my partner in restoring balance in this world.  Please enter this bliss garden and help me see the shadows that reside here.  Show me, again, the speed with which you transmute these wounds into gifts.”

Jaguar sees through the eyes of this Priestess of Pachamama, as the woman sees through hers.  They bow to each other, honoring the shared soul within them.

Jaguar enters the Gate of Creativity…violets wave their fragrance in the air to greet her along the winding path.  Then the gentle West Wind wafts a familiar scent through the Jaguar’s nose, sparking memories of past traumas that had once been a threat to the Priestess’s power.

“There is still some scent of scorched earth here…residue remains from the same shadow I transmuted just outside these garden walls.  Some escaped back in.” Jaguar told the Gardener.

“I felt it.  But I couldn’t find it alone.”  She replied with tears welling in her eyes. 

Jaguar sensed the memories of this wounded healer.  “You were afraid.  Release that fear, and come stalk the shadows with me.  Remember, these shadows are part of you.  When you integrate them, rather than run from them, you embrace the gift they are to you.  Become one with me now.”

Mama Killa, the Mother Moon, illuminated Jaguar’s coat.  The Gardener placed her hand on Jaguar’s head and stroked her third eye.  At once, she shapeshifted into Jaguar’s body.

Through her eyes, she could see everything clearly.  The beauty in bloom as well as the untended spaces.  Through her nose, she could smell the ash that Phoenix had left behind so many moons ago.  Through her ears, she heard the cries of Crazy Woman.

Cloaked in shadow, Crazy Woman appeared in the far corner of the garden, facing west.  She thought she was alone.

Her voice trailed in and out as her thoughts poured from her in disjointed words and phrases.  “The pain of promise!  Never again…but again and again and…!”  She searched the ground frantically.  “Forgetful wretch…but where?  Not here!”

Crazy Woman pulled at the Creeping Charlie, muttering incoherently now.  The Jaguar Priestess assumed her shape and crept up behind her.

“I know what you’ve lost.  I see it.”  She said to Crazy Woman.

Startled at first, but then softened as she turned to see her reflection talking to her, Crazy Woman croaked,  “Oh, you’re me.  Ugly, twisted thing.”  Then she resumed her fumbling search through the weeds.

“You won’t find it out here.” Jaguar Priestess replied. 

Crazy Woman looked at her own face next to her.  Her weathered skin contorted into a creeping, toothless grin across sallow cheeks.  “Where?”

“Within.”  And Jaguar pounced out of the shadows, pinning the screaming and flailing Crazy Woman.  She swallowed the shadows surrounding them and Crazy Woman was absorbed into the Jaguar Priestess.  Left behind was a Rainbow Moonstone. 

The body of Jaguar shapeshifted into the body of the Garden Priestess.  Her white dress shimmered in the moonlight with rainbow colors.  She knew what she had to do.

There in the bliss garden, in a flower bed, she planted the Rainbow Moonstone as a seed.  She watered it with tears of joy; her creative spark fully restored.

For more information on the 2nd Gate of Creativity, where we reclaim a renewed sense of our own value and self-worth, check out 2nd Chakra:  Healing the Emotions.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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