Sunday, August 14, 2011

Archetypal Exploration: Felina's 1st House- Storyteller

In Astrology, the 12 houses represent the areas of life where planetary energies and archetypal forces play out through the positioning of planets at birth and in transit. In my 1st house, the house of Self, I have Chiron (the wounded healer) on my Taurus Ascendant. It is in this house that my Storyteller archetype holds great significance in my life. My sense of self is one with the Storyteller. This is how I teach, this is how I learn, and this is how I honor my life and the lives of telling the stories that shine the light through mundane existence and into the heart of the lives we live. The writer and actor in me are connected to this archetype as well. I tell the story, write the words, and show the this way, I am able to heal the wounds that would otherwise stagnate the story. One of my totems, the spider, is connected to this archetype as well. Watching her at work calls me back to the connectivity of all things that inspires me to weave intricate webs.


by Felina Lune Kavi

She spins a web of life and death;

Words of wisdom in every breath.

Each path she measures by design,

Creating circles to intertwine.

The story starts from a single string,

Connecting us to everything.

The plot is thick for each lot we choose.

The lesson is clearest as it concludes.

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