Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Archetypal Exploration: Felina's 3rd House- Visionary

The 3rd House of Astrology is about communication and self-knowledge. It is in this house that my North Lunar Node in Cancer resides. The north node shows us the qualities our soul urges us to develop in this lifetime...and it's not always an easy road to travel at first. Growth and wisdom come from the journeys along this path. In Cancer, the north node guided me toward motherhood first. However reluctant and scared of this process I was, this was a defining factor of my own maturity. After developing this new outlook on life, the path lead me on to exploring shamanism. This was no easy road either...but it is, like motherhood, a necessity to my path of self-actualization. My Jaguar totem and Visionary archetype are linked to this area of life, and this is why I communicate with symbolism and foresight. I have since freed myself from the limitations of what others might think of the peculiar way I see the world...and I honor the truth I see in the way I give my words.


by Felina Lune Kavi

Into the golden eyes of the jungle cat…

The Seer sees within the shadows,

Stalking through the tangled jungle

Of the human mind.

On the hunt for our fears of freedom,

Jaguar peers into the darkness,

Pounces upon the prey of promise,

And feeds the Spirit.

Moonlit eyes arise in gratitude,

For the stars hold worlds of verity

When the power within connects

To our symbolic sight.

Visions integrate a path of integrity

Between the Blue Road of Spirit

And the Red Road of Physical Life…

A harmonious bridge.

Jaguar leads through lessons of Self…

Respect, discipline and actualization.

Short-cuts through the Ego’s Jungle

To the center of the Soul.

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