Thursday, August 18, 2011

Archetypal Exploration: Felina's 5th House- Prostitute

The Fifth House of Astrology is about creativity, children, romance, good fortune, and speculative ventures. Psyche is in Retrograde in my 5th house, pulling this energy inward...a Goddess within. My Prostitute archetype also resides in this house. Another one of the Survival archetypes that plays a crucial role in the soul's journey, all of us learn the Prostitute's lesson of integrity in various ways. This Fifth House area of life is where I learned to have faith in myself, the Goddess within, and the God that connects us all to Her. Caroline Myss, in her book 'Sacred Contracts', calls the Prostitute archetype our "Guardian of Faith." I recommend this book if you like to read...and if you're reading this, you probably do. Caroline Myss goes on to explain the healing challenge contained within the lesson of the fifth house is like 'entering the desert'. She compares it to "the Dark Night of the soul described by are no longer receiving energy from the world you have left behind, but you also have not yet established a flow of energy from the next stage of your life. That period of aridity--the desert--can be exhausting and depressing as you symbolically thirst for God."

I walked this desert before, and I learned that lesson. It's a lesson of how much of yourself (body, mind, and soul) you are willing to give up for physical security. When Alyrica was born, I tried to stay with her father so her idea of family wouldn't be broken...even though our relationship was no longer good for any of us. I had to find faith in myself, after she was born, that I could create the family she needs. I became empowered again, and detached from the life that had once fearfully held me back from my own authority. In that lesson, I had the good fortune of finding that Michael was the man I'm meant to be with forever. And in that experience, I found God...connecting eternally to the Goddess within.

So for this Mercury Retrograde's Archetypal Exploration, I'm honoring the Prostitute archetype as well as Psyche and Eros. A strange combination, at first glance, but it is my life I'm dissecting here. I'm compelled to discover deeper meanings than what appears on the surface. In other words, look beyond what we know of prostitutes and discover the crisis of faith and loss of integrity that they represent. This archetype has become an ally in guiding me through the path of my own power, alerting me to the warning signs of compromising my values for breakable promises of physical security. With awareness, I hope you can see how this archetype can be an ally to your own life...coming out from the shadows to show you the meaning of faith, however it pertains to your own spiritual path.
Interesting, perhaps only to me, is that today Mercury Retrogrades through the degree where my 5th House begins. I didn't plan it, but my Psyche's own retrograde must have been working in synch with Mercury's retrograde transit. The sabian symbol for Leo 23 is 'A bareback rider'. So I guess I'm going to keep boldly riding on the path I've ridden, but never written, before.

by Felina Lune Kavi

Down the street where she sold herself,
she walks in scuffed-up heels...
balancing the new weight of change,
forgetting how she might look so strange,
discovering how she truly feels.

In daytime, this journey is a hardened desert;
the dark nights she knew have passed...
clicks along concrete the only sound,
echoing off hotels and offices all around.
Then a moment's peace at last.

Her baby kicks inside her womb,
announcing why she's here...
there's no more security in what she's done,
she steps forward into maturity for this little one.
It's time to get rid of fear.

Facing the trash can on this familiar corner,
she kicks off those tired shoes...
she throws them away with all of that pain,
away with that emptiness and all of that shame.
Her soul has been renewed.

The New Wings of Psyche
by Felina Lune Kavi

The creative key to the soul is in passwords:
you say 'harm none' and 'love always' with true meaning...
and harmonious expression explodes into Psyche,
her spiritual faith unfolds into wings,
and she ascends with Eros
in ecstasy of love eternal...creating bliss.

Eros in January
by Felina Lune Kavi

It's cold here tonight...
wrap me warm in your skin,
lock me up in your sight,
hold me close and breathe in...
and out.

Outside in the dark...
a new moon on the rise.
We are lost under stars
in the most beautiful sky.

Eros in January,
you touch the soul within me.
Eros in January,
fast as love flies through you and me.

Our hearts beat whole at last,
in the wake of our dreams.
I'm too in love to ask,
is this really what it seems...
to be?

Beyond what we believed
of what love ever meant,
this love is all we need
to know our soul's full intent.

Eros in January,
you touch the soul within me.
Eros in January,
fast as love flies through you and me.

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